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Bipolar Disorder Dakota Miller Micah Moyer. What is it? Bipolar disorder is a mental illness. It is also classified as a mood disorder. Causes unusual.

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Presentation on theme: "Bipolar Disorder Dakota Miller Micah Moyer. What is it? Bipolar disorder is a mental illness. It is also classified as a mood disorder. Causes unusual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bipolar Disorder Dakota Miller Micah Moyer

2 What is it? Bipolar disorder is a mental illness. It is also classified as a mood disorder. Causes unusual shifts in: Mood Energy Activity levels Ability to perform daily tasks

3 How do you get it? No single cause. Many factors: Genetics Seems to run in families. Physiological Abnormalities in certain brain circuits could be the root of the problem.

4 How do you get it? (continued) Many factors: Environmental Environmental factors play important role in developing bipolar disorder. Individual psychosocial variables may interact with genetic dispositions. Including: Recent life events Interpersonal relationships

5 How do you get it? (continued) Many factors: Neurological A bipolar-like disorder can occur due to a neurological condition or injury. Including: Stroke Traumatic brain injury HIV infection Multiple sclerosis

6 How is it diagnosed? Five types: Bipolar I Disorder Manic or mixed episodes that last 1 week. Manic symptoms severe & person needs immediate hospital care. Depressive episodes that last 2 weeks. Bipolar II Disorder Pattern of depressive & hypomanic episodes. No full-blown manic episodes.

7 How is it diagnosed? (continued) Five types: Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Symptoms of the illness exist. Don’t meet criteria for Bipolar I or Bipolar II. Symptoms clearly out of normal behavior range. Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder Rapid changes in mood. 4+ episodes of major depression, mania, hypomania, or mixed in 1 year.

8 How is it diagnosed? (continued) Five types: Cyclothymic Disorder Also called Cyclothymia. Mild form of bipolar disorder. Episodes of hypomania & mild depression occur for 2 years. Symptoms don’t meet requirements for any other type of bipolar disorder.

9 Parts of Bipolar Mania Depression Hypomania Mixed state

10 Mania Abnormally elevated energy levels Opposite of Depression

11 Mania Symptoms Energy increase Unusually more talkative/Hyperactive Racing thoughts Irritable Little sleep required Self-esteem inflated Behavior is reckless

12 Mania

13 Depression Abnormally decreased energy levels Opposite of Mania

14 Depression Symptoms Sad Crying uncontrollably A lot of guilt Fatigue Anxiety/Social withdrawal Sleeping problems Eating problems

15 Hypomania Not full blown Mania Symptoms can still be those of Mania Extremely energetic Talkative Confident Hyper-sexuality creativity

16 Mixed State Being in a Manic AND Depressive state at the same time

17 How to Help If you want to help someone with a mental illness you should: Not treat them different Be empathetic, not sympathetic Let them talk For the love of god do not tell them it gets better LISTEN

18 What is the treatment? Everyone’s different, so medication needed varies. Sometimes combinations of medication needed. Drugs used Mood stabilizers Anxiety relieving drugs Medicines Lithium Anticonvulsants Antipsychotics Antidepressants Benzodiazepines

19 Can it be prevented? It cannot be prevented Symptoms can be controlled with meds

20 Works Cited disorder/index.shtml disorder/index.shtml

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