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Ms. Longo Life Science Diversity of Life. 9/21 Agenda Traits Class Graph hand in Work/grade examples Traits definition Online activity

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Longo Life Science Diversity of Life. 9/21 Agenda Traits Class Graph hand in Work/grade examples Traits definition Online activity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Longo Life Science Diversity of Life

2 9/21

3 Agenda Traits Class Graph hand in Work/grade examples Traits definition Online activity

4 Do Now HW collection Note book maintenance Update Index Complete answers 3 notes HW

5 Traits definition Traits are characteristics we inherit from our parents. Some traits are common in a population (our class will be our population) while others are not. Every person has a different combination of traits that makes them unique.

6 Traits More common traits are not necessarily better. Sometimes traits just show up more frequently. Dominant or recessive traits have very little to do with frequency. Therefore, dominant traits are not necessarily more common, and recessive traits are not necessarily rare in a population.

7 Traits Discussion Be prepared to answer the following questions based on the class graph. What traits are the most common in the class? What traits are the least common in the class?

8 Traits Online Activity

9 9/22

10 Agenda Traits Online Activity Questions Who Discovered DNA? Reading Questions

11 Announcements Minimum Day No school Friday Students who skip detention are assigned double

12 Do Now HW collection Complete missing assignments 3 notes HW Submit notebooks for re-check

13 Traits Online Activity Answer Questions from the activity (14-21) P.2 What is heredity? #14 What is a trait? #18

14 Who Discovered DNA? Number the Paragraphs Number all the paragraphs in the left margin of the paper. Read the article quietly to yourself. Underline (using pencil) ANY vocabulary words you do not know (cannot give a definition for).

15 References Notice the reference section at the bottom of the article. Gives credit to authors cited in the paper Acknowledges ideas that were not those of the writer Formats may vary, this one is alphabetical by name of author

16 Questions You must answer ONE of these questions: 1 or 3 or 4 Then choose two more, for a total of three Use 3 different colored pencils to underline the evidence in the article that supports your answer.

17 9/23

18 Agenda Hand in Tour of the Basics HW Who Discovered DNA? Reading Questions

19 Do Now HW collection Who Discovered DNA? Number the Paragraphs Number all the paragraphs in the left margin of the paper.

20 Who Discovered DNA? Number the Paragraphs Number all the paragraphs in the left margin of the paper. Read the article quietly to yourself. Underline (using pencil) ANY vocabulary words you do not know (cannot give a definition for).

21 9/24

22 Agenda Who Discovered DNA questions

23 Do Now Who Discovered DNA questions Read questions and choose 3 to answer You must answer ONE of these questions: 1 or 3 or 4

24 Questions You must answer ONE of these questions: 1 or 3 or 4 Then choose two more, for a total of three Use 3 different colored pencils to underline the evidence in the article that supports your answer.

25 Answer questions On a separate piece of paper to be handed in: Write the questions Answer your choice of questions Be sure to use evidence from the reading Name, date & period on paper for full credit

26 HW ALL questions due Monday ClassDojo 10 pts due Monday

27 References Notice the reference section at the bottom of the article. Gives credit to authors cited in the paper Acknowledges ideas that were not those of the writer Formats may vary, this one is alphabetical by name of author

28 9/28

29 Do Now Who Discovered DNA questions- Hand in Hand in any late HW

30 Agenda Who Discovered DNA Article discussion DNA coloring activity

31 9/18

32 Agenda Traits Class Graph

33 Do Now Hand in ClassDojo permission slip

34 Do Now HW collection Note book maintenance Update Table of Contents Complete answers 3 notes HW Get out graph paper, colored pencils and a ruler if you have them

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