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Atoms, Atomic Structure and periodic table

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1 Atoms, Atomic Structure and periodic table
Unit 3 Review Atoms, Atomic Structure and periodic table

2 1. The region labeled "Y" in the diagram has a charge that is:
Positive Negative Neutral None of the above

3 The number of protons in the nucleus The number of electrons
2. Isotopes (such as hydrogen-1, hydrogen-2, and hydrogen-3) are atoms of the same element that differ in: The number of protons in the nucleus The number of electrons The atomic number The number of neutrons in the nucleus

4 3. The atomic number of an element is equal to:
A. the number of protons in the nucleus B. the number of protons plus the number of electrons C. the number of protons plus the number of neutrons D. the number of neutrons in the atom

5 4. The charge and mass number of an electron are:
A. charge = 0, Mass number = 1 B.   charge = +1, Mass number = 0 charge = +1, Mass number = 1 charge = -1, Mass number = 0

6 5. A fictitious element X is composed of 10
5. A fictitious element X is composed of 10.0 percent of the isotope X-55 , 20.0 percent of the isotope X-56 , and 70.0 percent of the isotope X-57 . Estimate the atomic mass of element X. A. 57 amu B. 70 amu C amu D. 10 amu

7 6. Which of the following is true about subatomic particles?
Electrons are negatively charged and are the heaviest subatomic particle. Protons are positively charged and the lightest subatomic particle. Neutrons have no charge and are the lightest subatomic particle. The mass of the neutron nearly equals the mass of a proton.

8 7. The mass number of an atom is determined by:
A. the number of protons only B.   adding the neutrons and electrons C.  adding the neutrons and protons D.  adding the protons and electrons

9 8. The nucleus of most atoms is made up of:
A. electrons and protons B.  protons and electrons C.  neutrons and electrons D.  protons and neutrons

10 9. In which of the following sets is the symbol of the element, number of protons, and the number of electrons given correctly? In, 49 protons, 49 electrons Zn, 30 protons, 60 electrons Cs, 55 protons, electrons F, 19 protons, 19 electrons

11 A. Uranium-238 has a larger electron cloud than uranium-235
10. An atom of uranium-238 differs from an atom of uranium-235 in the following way: A. Uranium-238 has a larger electron cloud than uranium-235 B.   Uranium-238 has three more neutrons than uranium-235 C.  Uranium-238 has three more protons than uranium-235 D.  Uranium-238 has three more electrons than uranium-235

12 11. The atomic number of an atom is determined by:
A. adding the neutrons and protons B.  the number of protons only C.  adding the neutrons and electrons D.  adding the protons and electrons

13 12. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
Atoms of the same element can have different masses. Atoms of isotopes of an element have different numbers of protons. The nucleus of an atom has a positive charge. Atoms are mostly empty space.

14 13. Which of the following accurately summarizes the isotope Argon-40?
A. 18 protons, 18 electrons, 22 neutrons B protons, electrons, neutrons C. 22 protons, 22 electrons, 18 neutrons D. 40 protons, 40 electrons, 18 neutrons

15 14. Which of the following was among Democritus’ ideas?
Matter consists of tiny particles called atoms. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Atoms retain their identity in a chemical reaction. Atoms can be seen with a microscope.

16 15. Which of the following is NOT a part of Dalton’s atomic theory?
All elements are composed of atoms. Atoms are always in motion. Atoms of the same element are identical. Atoms that combine do so in simple whole-number ratios.

17 16. As a consequence of the discovery of the nucleus by Rutherford, which model of the atom is thought to be true? Protons, electrons, and neutrons are evenly distributed throughout the volume of the atom. The nucleus is made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. Electrons are distributed around the nucleus and occupy almost all the volume of the atom. The nucleus is made up of electrons and protons.

18 17. Which of the following has the highest frequency: A. x-rays B
17. Which of the following has the highest frequency: A. x-rays B. gamma rays C. radio waves D. UV rays

19 18. Emission of light from an atom occurs when an electron _____. A
18. Emission of light from an atom occurs when an electron _____. A. moves from a lower to higher energy level B. moves from a higher to lower energy level C. releases a photon D. both b and c

20 19. How are frequency and wavelength of light related. A
19. How are frequency and wavelength of light related? A. directly proportional B. inversely proportional C. the have no relation

21 20. Which of the following groupings contains only representative elements:
A. Cu, Co, Cd B. Al, Mg, Li C. Fe, Na, Pb D. Ne, Kr, Ti

22 21. The modern periodic table is arranged according to _____.
A. Atomic number B. Atomic mass C. Groups having similar chemical properties D. Both A & C

23 22. Which of the following elements is a nonmetal?
A. Fe B. Na C. C D. Hg

24 23. Which of the following elements is a transition metal:
A. Copper B. Cesium C. Iodine D. Aluminum

25 24. To what category of elements does an element belong if it is a poor conductor of electricity?
A. Metal B. Nonmetal C. Metalloid

26 25. Which of the following elements is in the same period as phosphorus:
A. Nitrogen B. Antimony C. Krypton D. Argon

27 26. Each period in the periodic table corresponds to ____.
A. A vertical column of elements B. A horizontal row of elements C. A family of elements

28 27. Group 1A is also known as Nobel gases Alkali metals Halogens
Earth alkaline metals

29 28. Who is the scientist responsible for the design of the periodic table?
Dalton Lavoisier Mendeleev Rutherford

30 Answers 1. A 9. A 17. B 25. D 2. D 10. B 18. D 26. B 3. A 11. B 19. B 27. B 4. D 12. B 20. B 28. C 5. C 13. A 21. D 6. D 14. A 22. C 7. C 15. B 23. A 8. D 16. C 24. B

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