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STARTING PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ©2006 William Holmes Program Development University of Massachusetts at Boston.

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Presentation on theme: "STARTING PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ©2006 William Holmes Program Development University of Massachusetts at Boston."— Presentation transcript:

1 STARTING PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT ©2006 William Holmes Program Development University of Massachusetts at Boston

2 OVERVIEW OF STARTUP Seeking Development Opportunities Contracting and Agreement for Development Determining Readiness for Development Establishing Collaborative Networks

3 SEEKING OPPORTUNITIES External Independent Internal

4 WORD OF MOUTH: ADVANTAGES High impact High trust Reflects performance Very effective Frequent results

5 WORD OF MOUTH: DISADVANTAGES Serendipitous Chancy Can be negative More reflects most recent May be based on that which you have no control

6 NETWORKING: ADVANTAGES Uses existing relationships Develops new skills More enjoyable Benefits own network

7 NETWORKING: DISADVANTAGES Can be slow process Restricted to own network Can be seen as manipulative

8 PRIOR EMPLOYERS: ADVANTAGES Uses existing relationship Work may have begun Knowledge of organization Less gap between employer and consultant

9 PRIOR EMPLOYERS: DISADVANTAGES Limited in number Can create dependencies Affected by unresolved issues

10 WEB SITES: ADVANTAGES Expected by technologically oriented Available to whole world Easily updated Built-in solicitation

11 WEB SITES: DISADVANTAGES Others initiate contact Expensive initial development Needs maintenance Limited to internet access

12 PRINTED MATERIALS: ADVANTAGES Proactive contact Controlled Content Known medium Widely distributable

13 PRINTED MATERIALS: DISADVANTAGES Expensive Much waste Difficult to distribute Less frequently used Difficult to update

14 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: ADVANTAGES Interest already high Desire for work high Expectations clear Identification easy

15 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: DISADVANTAGES Time-consuming proposals Competition Opportunity costs Fixed costs Proposal may be used without compensation

16 MEDIA VISIBILITY: ADVANTAGES Publications used Presentations heard Interviews noticed Emotional rewards Financial rewards

17 MEDIA VISIBILITY: DISADVANTAGES Requires writing skills Requires speaking skills Requires extensive investment Delay between media exposure and results

18 CONTRACT AGENCIES: ADVANTAGES They do soliciting Provides stability Allows on work on side Existing infrastructure

19 CONTRACT AGENCIES: DISADVANTAGES Lower pay Less flexibility in work Less control over work Less visibility for you

20 CONTACT TIPS Learn about organization and program Share what you’ve done Share results of your successes Maintain visibility in organization Obtain a mentor or sponsor Encourage word of mouth Meet informally with people

21 MEETING WITH CLIENTS Is there work to be done? Can you work together? Does the client have sufficient power and resources? What is presenting problem? Is there an underlying problem? Is there readiness for change?

22 ESTABLISHING READINESS FOR CHANGE: 1 Has there been prior efforts at change? How do people feel about presenting problem? Have people expressed desire for change? Has the problem had broader consequences?

23 ESTABLISHING READINESS FOR CHANGE: 2 What resources are available for project? What is fit of mission and activity? How long has problem existed Why change desired now?


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