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Periodic Table Museum. H LiBe NaMg CaK Rb Cs FrRa Ba Sr ScTiVCr Mn FeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKr XeITeSbSnInCdAgPdRhRuTcMoNbZrY La AcRf HfTaWReOsIrPtAuHgTlPbBiPoAtRn.

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Presentation on theme: "Periodic Table Museum. H LiBe NaMg CaK Rb Cs FrRa Ba Sr ScTiVCr Mn FeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKr XeITeSbSnInCdAgPdRhRuTcMoNbZrY La AcRf HfTaWReOsIrPtAuHgTlPbBiPoAtRn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodic Table Museum

2 H LiBe NaMg CaK Rb Cs FrRa Ba Sr ScTiVCr Mn FeCoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBrKr XeITeSbSnInCdAgPdRhRuTcMoNbZrY La AcRf HfTaWReOsIrPtAuHgTlPbBiPoAtRn DbSgBhHsMt LuYbTmErHoDyTbGdEuSmPmNdPrCe ThPaUNpPuAmCmBkCfEs Fm MdNoLr Ar Ne He F ClSPSiAl BCNO 1A 2A 3B4B5B6B 7B8B 1B2B 3A4A5A6A7A 8A Metals, Non-Metals, & Metalloids

3 Metals Left side of the periodic table –except H Properties: –lustrous (shiny) –good conductors of heat & electricity –malleable & ductile –solids at RT (except Hg)

4 Non-Metals Right side of table –plus H Properties: –Dull appearance –Brittle when solids –Do not conduct heat or electricity well –May be solid, liquid or gas at RT

5 Metalloids Stair step between metals and non- metals Properties in between metals and non-metals –Si: brittle but semi-conductor

6 Families

7 very reactive metals that do not occur freely in nature softer than most other metals (to the point that they can be cut easily with a knife) can explode if they are exposed to water ALKALI METALS

8 They are harder, denser, and stronger than the alkali metals with higher melting points They are so reactive they are not found as free elements in nature ALKLINE EARTH METALS

9 Metals with typical metallic properties Less reactive than group 1 and 2 metals – some are so unreactive that they exist in nature as free-elements Iron, cobalt, and nickel, are the only elements known to produce a magnetic field. TRANSITION METALS

10 HALOGENS "halogen" means "salt-former" and compounds containing halogens are called "salts" Most reactive non-metals exist in all three states of matter: Solid- Iodine, Astatine Liquid- Bromine Gas- Fluorine, Chlorine

11 NOBLE GASES Nonreactive due to their complete valence shells Do not easily gain or lose valence electrons All gases at room temperature

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