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Promote order as you pursue godliness. In God’s household, it is necessary to combine order and godliness as the essentials of church health. This lesson.

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3 Promote order as you pursue godliness. In God’s household, it is necessary to combine order and godliness as the essentials of church health. This lesson covers the background and theme of the letters to Timothy and Titus.

4 Letters to Timothy and Titus Subject: Order of the local church I Timothy: Life of the church and Leadership of the church Leadership of the church II Timothy: Emphasized importance of church leadership Titus: Emphasized importance of church organization

5 Letters to Timothy and Titus The function (purpose) of the local church is to proclaim God’s truth in the world. The function (purpose) of the local church is to proclaim God’s truth in the world. The function (purpose) of the church leaders is to expound God’s truth in the church. The function (purpose) of the church leaders is to expound God’s truth in the church.

6 Letters to Timothy and Titus This is basically the same message Paul taught in Ephesians 4:11-12: the saints are to do the works of service and the gifted leaders are to prepare the saints for such a task. This is basically the same message Paul taught in Ephesians 4:11-12: the saints are to do the works of service and the gifted leaders are to prepare the saints for such a task.

7 I believe that the greatest need in the world is HOPE. I believe that the greatest need in the world is HOPE. I believe that the only answer to this greatest need is the GOSPEL. I believe that the only answer to this greatest need is the GOSPEL. I believe that the designated bearer of the gospel is the CHURCH. I believe that the designated bearer of the gospel is the CHURCH.

8 “Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” (I Tim. 3:14-15)

9 The church is to be viewed as a family of believers, not as a business organization. The church is to be viewed as a family of believers, not as a business organization. The church is to be understood as God’s, not anybody else’s. The church is to be understood as God’s, not anybody else’s. The church is to be regarded as a support and display of witnesses to the truth. The church is to be regarded as a support and display of witnesses to the truth.

10 Promote Orderliness in the church! (vv. 14-15)

11 “I am writing you these instructions so that…you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household…” “I am writing you these instructions so that…you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household…” 1.Promote orderliness in the church! (vv. 14-15).

12 The church must be orderly because people (especially outside the church) must KNOW the truth that leads to godliness. The church must be orderly because people (especially outside the church) must KNOW the truth that leads to godliness. 1.Promote orderliness in the church! (vv. 14-15).

13 Orderliness concerns our relationship with other believers in God’s household. Orderliness concerns our relationship with other believers in God’s household. 1.Promote orderliness in the church! (vv. 14-15).

14 Orderliness is catalyzed by the leaders, is carried out by the members, and is controlled by the Spirit. Orderliness is catalyzed by the leaders, is carried out by the members, and is controlled by the Spirit. 1.Promote orderliness in the church! (vv. 14-15).

15 Pursue Godliness as a church! (v. 16)

16 “He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.” “He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.” 2.Pursue godliness as a church! (v. 16).

17 The church must pursue godliness because people (especially outside the church) must BELIEVE the truth that leads to godliness. The church must pursue godliness because people (especially outside the church) must BELIEVE the truth that leads to godliness. 2.Pursue godliness as a church! (v. 16).

18 Godliness concerns our relationship with God our Savior. Godliness concerns our relationship with God our Savior. 2.Pursue godliness as a church! (v. 16).

19 Godliness starts with Christ, is sustained by Christ, and is sealed in Christ. Godliness starts with Christ, is sustained by Christ, and is sealed in Christ. 2.Pursue godliness as a church! (v. 16).

20 When orderliness and godliness are lived out in our church, we protect God’s church against heresies, we protect God’s church against heresies, CONCLUSION we promote God’s work in various ministries, we promote God’s work in various ministries, and we proclaim God’s love in neighboring communities. and we proclaim God’s love in neighboring communities.

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