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Periodic Table Objectives  5.4Locate metals, nonmetals and metalloids in the periodic table.  5.5Locate the family of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals,

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Presentation on theme: "Periodic Table Objectives  5.4Locate metals, nonmetals and metalloids in the periodic table.  5.5Locate the family of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodic Table Objectives  5.4Locate metals, nonmetals and metalloids in the periodic table.  5.5Locate the family of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens and inert gases in the periodic table.  5.6Describe the progression of certain properties of elements in a given period on the basis of their atomic number.  5.8Justify the classification of alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens and inert gases in the periodic table on the basis of the simplified atomic model currently in use.

2 Metals, Non-metals and Metalloids Elements have characteristic properties that allow them to be classified into three groups. 123123

3 Lustre (shiny) Conduct heat and electricity Ductile Malleable (bendable) Dense Most are solid at room temperature Release gas when placed in acid Properties of METALS

4  Dull (not shiny)  Poor or non-conductors  Non-ductile  Non-malleable (doesn’t bend)  Low densities  Will not react with acids  Can be gases, liquids or solids Properties of NON-METALS

5 Metalloids are known as the “in between” group. They have some properties of both metals and non-metals. There are only 10 of these. Properties of METALLOIDS Si (Silicon) is shiny but is not malleable or ductile

6 Metals, Non-metals and Metalloids  Metals are found to the left of the step line on the periodic table.  Non-metals are to the right of this line. o Metalloids cluster right around this line. Hydrogen is not a metal

7 State whether these are metals, non- metals or metalloids. (use your periodic table as a guide) (CLICK FOR ANSWER)

8 State whether each of these is a metals non-metal or metalloid 1.Shiny and ductile ______________________ 2. Malleable and non conductor _____________ 3. Reacts with an acid and non ductile _________ 4. Non malleable and dull _________________ (CLICK FOR ANSWER)

9 5. Releases a gas when placed in an acid ______________________ 6. Will not react with an acid _________________ 7. Ductile and non conductor _________________ 8. Low density _________________ 9. Non malleable and ductile _________________

10 PERIODIC TABLE Elements on the periodic table are organized according to their similar properties.  Columns (going down on the periodic table) are called groups or families  Rows (going across of the periodic table are called periods.

11 Groups (Families) (Columns) 1 st column is called alkali metals (Group IA) 2 nd column is called alkaline earth metals (Group IIA) 7 th column is called halogens (Group VIIA) The last or 8 th column is called the inert or noble gases (Group VIIIA) There are 4 groups (families) that this course is concerned with. Next slide will show you a visual!

12 Please mark these onto your own periodic table IA – Alkali Metals IIA – Alkaline Earth Metals VII- Halogens VIIIA – Inert or Noble Gases

13 Properties of Alkali Metals Properties of Alkaline Earth Metals Soft, light metals that melt at low temperatures High degree of reactivity, especially with water Grey solids Hard Reactive

14 Properties of Halogens Properties of Inert (Noble) Gases Corrosive and toxic Very reactive and colored Often form compounds with other elements No chemical reactivity Colorless Do not form compounds with other elements

15 State which FAMILY the following substances belong to by reading its description: 1.Very Hard ______________________ 2. Very reactive and corrosive _____________ 3. Soft light metal ___________________ 4. Non reactive with other elements _________________ (CLICK FOR ANSWER)

16 Families and Periods The period # and the family # gives you very important information. - Tells you how many energy shells an element has - Tells you the number of electrons in the outer shell (valence electrons)

17 3 P + 4 N 0 2 e- 1 e- Li 7 3 WHAT ARE VALENCE ELECTRONS? Valence electrons are the number of electrons in the outer most shell of an element. 1 valence electron LithiumMagnesium Mg 24 12 8 e- 2 e- 2 valence electrons 12 P + 12 N 0 WHAT ARE ENERGY SHELLS?

18 Recall: Families - # of valence Periods - # of shells 1 st family so…. 1 valence electron 3 rd period so…. 3 energy shells How many valence electrons and shells does the following element have? 7 th family so…. 7 valence electron 4 th period so…. 4 energy shells 4 th family so…. 4 valence electron 5 th period so…. 5 energy shells

19 How many energy shells and valence electrons do the following elements have? (Click For Answer) ElementValence Electron Energy Shells Ca24 N52 Rb15 Te65 F72

20 WHICH ELEMENT….. Is non-reactive and has 2 valence electrons Has 4 energy shells and is very reactive with water? Has 3 valence electrons and 4 energy shells? Is a colorless gas and has 4 energy levels?

21  Note the difference of the properties of metals, non-metals and metalloids.  Be able to find metals, nonmetals and metalloids on your periodic table  Know the Families and names of the first two and last two columns. Group IA – Alkali Metals Group IIA – Alkaline Earth Metals Group VIIA – Halogens Group VIIIA – Inert or Noble Gases

22  Valence Electrons are found in the outermost shell. The maximum number is 8.  You must be able to tell how many valence electrons each Family on the Periodic Table has.  Remember: Families – tells you # of valence electrons Periods – tells you # of energy shells

23 Activities  WORKSHEET # 10

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