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MAKING DISCIPLES AND CHANGING LIVES The Mission and Vision of the Black Lick Circuit.

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Presentation on theme: "MAKING DISCIPLES AND CHANGING LIVES The Mission and Vision of the Black Lick Circuit."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAKING DISCIPLES AND CHANGING LIVES The Mission and Vision of the Black Lick Circuit

2 WHAT IS OUR MISSION?  The UMC Mission Statement is “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”  Our mission is the same, but we’ve worded it a bit differently:  “To ignite a movement of fully devoted followers of Jesus.”

3 WHY A MOVEMENT?  Movement points to the ever-changing, ever-shifting world in which we live. Very few people remain in the same town or city. Therefore, we want to raise up Jesus followers that may or may not remain in our churches, but will continue as disciples wherever they land.

4 WHY FOLLOWERS?  A follower is more than a student (which is often where we stop when talking about discipleship). A fully devoted follower of Jesus:  1. Daily grows in his or her love of God.  2. Daily grows in his or her knowledge of God.  3. Daily uses his or her gifts and abilities for the Kingdom of God.  4. Daily serves others.

5 WHAT IS OUR VISION?  Our vision is to be a catalyst for community transformation  We want our communities and our world to know and experience the love, hope and presence of Jesus in such a way that they simply cannot live tomorrow in the same manner as today.

6 NUTS AND BOLTS OF OUR VISION  How will we accomplish this?  First, transformation begins with us!  Our first order of business is to strengthen our worship, discipleship and congregational care ministries. If we are continually transformed, every place we touch and go will be transformed as well!

7 NUTS AND BOLTS OF OUR VISION  Our second order of business is to intentionally raise up, develop and deploy church and community leaders.  Community transformation requires Spirit-led men and women of all ages to lead in positive and prayerful ways both in the church and in the world. What if we raised up Godly people to be pastors, missionaries and lay leaders, but also others who teach in our schools, run our businesses, serve in the local government? We would see transformation!

8 NUTS AND BOLTS OF OUR VISION  Thirdly, we will teach and practice incarnational living.  Incarnational living means that we will engage the culture around us. We will be “in the world, but not of the world.” We take our cue from Jesus, who left his heavenly dwelling to enter a world in need of a Savior. We will intentionally bless our local communities and not hide within the four walls of the church.

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