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Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry ICP-MS Stuart Morrow June 12, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry ICP-MS Stuart Morrow June 12, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry ICP-MS Stuart Morrow June 12, 2015

2 Technique Overview  ICP-MS is a sensitive instrumental technique used for elemental analysis  Different than traditional MS  No information on MW or structure  Data provides an accurate composition of inorganic elements in a sample (ppt  % levels)

3 Technique Overview Plasma Generation & Ionization  High Radio Frequency (27mHz) induces the formation of an argon plasma (6000 – 10000K)  Plasma has ionization potential (IP) of 15.76 electron volts – above 1st IP of most other elements in periodic table

4 Elements H He Li ☐ Be ☐ B☐B☐ CNOFNe Na ☐ Mg ☐ Al ☐ Si ☐ P☐P☐ S☐S☐ Cl ☐ Ar K☐K☐ Ca ☐ Sc ☐ Ti ☐ V☐V☐ Cr ☐ Mn ☐ Fe ☐ Co ☐ Ni ☐ Cu ☐ Zn ☐ Ga ☐ Ge ☐ As ☐ Se ☐ Br ☐ Kr Rb ☐ Sr ☐ Y☐Y☐ Zr ☐ Nb ☐ Mo ☐ Tc ☐ Ru ☐ Rh ☐ Pd ☐ Ag ☐ Cd ☐ In ☐ Sn ☐ Sb ☐ Te ☐ I☐I☐ Xe Cs ☐ Ba ☐ L Hf ☐ Ta ☐ W☐W☐ Re ☐ Os ☐ Ir ☐ Pt ☐ Au ☐ Hg ☐ Tl ☐ Pb ☐ Bi ☐ PoAtRn Fr ☐ Ra ☐ ARfDbSgBhHsMtDsRg L La ☐ Ce ☐ Pr ☐ Nd ☐ Pm ☐ Sm ☐ Eu ☐ Gd ☐ Tb ☐ Dy ☐ Ho ☐ Er ☐ Tm ☐ Yb ☐ Lu ☐ AAc Th ☐ Pa U☐U☐ Np Pu ☐ AmCmBkCfEsFmMdNoLr Unable to analyze on ICP-MS Quantitative Analysis Available

5  Helium is used to eliminate polyatomic interferences  Useful for trace analysis in high matrix samples Interference Removal Collision Cell Technology Problem: Trace copper in seawater (High Matrix NaCl, H2O, N2)  Cu+ (m/z) = 63 or 65  a) Na+ (m/z) = 23 NaAr+ (m/z) = 63  b) Cl+ (m/z) = 35  NOCl+ (m/z) = 65 Solution:  a)NaAr+ + He  Na+ + Ar + He dissociation  b) NOCl+ + He  NO + Cl+dissociation  c)Cu+ + He  Cu+ + He no reaction

6  Effects of high pressure pasteurisation evaluated on freshly squeeze apple juice  Juice samples were subjected to various pressures while being cold pasteurised  Mineral content increased linearly with increasing pressure Solution ICP-MS Minerals in Juice

7  Novel ruthenium anti-cancer compounds were synthesised  Several were found to have the same IC50 value in HCT116 cells (human colon carcinoma)  Cell uptake studies are performed to determine how much compound is absorbed over time Drug Screening Cell Uptake data of Anti-Cancer Ruthenium compounds (Data courtesy of Mario Kubanik, Hartinger Group, SCS.) Cell Uptake MaKu 144 MaKu 146

8 Hyphenation UV Spectra of Cisplatin and GMP (Data courtesy of Hannah Holtkamp, Hartinger Group, SCS.) CE-ICP-MS Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) separates analytes under the influence of an electric field

9 Hyphenation CE-ICP-MS Time resolved analysis (chromatogram) of cisplatin and GMP (Data courtesy of Hannah Holtkamp, Hartinger Group, SCS.) CE-ICP-MS  Overlaying spectra allowed simultaneous determination of Pt and P, and thus the presence of a Cisplatin-GMP complex  Method can be applied to proteins

10 Other Analysis  Environment  Mineral content of marine mussel shells  Manufacturing  Composition of metallic alloys  Health  Gold content in colloidal suspensions

11 Summary  Extremely sensitive (ppt - %)  Full spectrum of elements  Except C, N, H, O, He, Ne, F, Ar  Fun & exciting tool for research!

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