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 Riparian vegetation includes trees, shrubs and wetlands; not grasses  Select one width or two and average for each bank, then average banks together.

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Presentation on theme: " Riparian vegetation includes trees, shrubs and wetlands; not grasses  Select one width or two and average for each bank, then average banks together."— Presentation transcript:


2  Riparian vegetation includes trees, shrubs and wetlands; not grasses  Select one width or two and average for each bank, then average banks together

3  Effects increase in importance as they accumulate in a watershed: Death of a Thousand Cuts!  Habitat forming functions  Bank stabilization  Retention/uptake of excess water  Groundwater recharge/maintenance of dry weather flows  Assimilation/storage of nutrients and sediment  Temperature moderation

4  In streams with good habitat, good riparian shading and elevated nutrients, effects of these nutrients may be somewhat moderated by limiting light penetration  Sunlight is match thrown on nutrient fuel


6 Riparian Condition

7  Area outside of existing riparian that can strongly affect stream via runoff  Screening data, most accurate data from photos or GIS

8 Land Use Assessment by GIS

9  Scores based on Streambank Soil Alteration Rating of Platts et al. (1983)  In many case bank erosion is greatest source of bedload  False banks are considered as eroded

10 Riparian encroachment ultimately leads to bank destabilization and bank erosion


12  False banks are formed when stream banks are trampled by livestock and a steep bank is formed back from the waters edge


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