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Exit Outcome Program Outcome Grade Outcome Unit Outcome Lesson Outcome Design Down Teach Up.

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1 Exit Outcome Program Outcome Grade Outcome Unit Outcome Lesson Outcome Design Down Teach Up

2 Instructional Plan Entire curriculum should align from top to bottom Plan from a top down approach Overall general goals down to the more specific goals

3 Writing the Unit Plan Answer the following questions: Where am I going? How will I get there? How will I know when I’ve arrived?

4 Where am I going? What is the student expected to do at the end of the unit? Derived from the content standards All four domains should be represented Once the outcomes have been established, the unit evaluation policies may be formulated

5 How will I get there? Begin a skeleton plan:list a progression of learning experiences; when, what, and how? Plan a daily progression of content The when and what Meaningful learning activities The how Include a short description of the activities

6 How will I know when I’ve arrived? Write down all techniques to be used to determine when the unit outcomes have been achieved Skills tests, observation sheets, rubrics Written tests, journals, fitness logs Attitude or effort questionnaires Checklists Etc, etc, etc

7 Block Plan Skeleton outline of New = N Review = R Integration = I Assessment = A

8 Preparing the Block Plan Content should progress from simple to complex Outline of content progression should reflect your unit outcomes and on up to the exit outcome Block plan is on my webpage

9 Writing the lesson plan Ask the same three questions as the unit plan Your focus should be on goal-directed learning rather than busy, happy, good To provide goal-directed learning, you must do some sort of preassessment to see if your lesson objectives are realistic What pre-requisite skills must be acquired before this lesson can be taught? Pre-assessment should precede any new objective in a lesson or unit

10 Types of pre-assessment Pretest Survey Questionnaire Instant activity for teacher observation time

11 Teaching and Learning Experiences A brief description of what will be taught in each part of the lesson Warm-up Set induction to tie previous learning experiences Content development Teacher modeling, instructional objectives

12 Teacher/Student Organization How do you want students to be organized for each part of the lesson? How can you make transitions from one part of the lesson to the next be as easy as possible? What is wrong with the idea of partner work, teams of 5, partner work, teams of 3 in one lesson?

13 Description of Skills/Activities Construct content analysis Define the desired performance through a sequence of learning experiences: TASKS Reflect and plan modifications for students who need easier or more difficult tasks: Intratask variations? Invitational teaching? Also consider the critical element for refinement cues that enable the student to acquire a more mechanically correct movement

14 Description of Skills/Activities Content analysis How will your progression of tasks move from simple to complex within the lesson? How will you ask students to apply the skills and knowledge learned in the lesson? Your task progression will consider whether you are teaching a closed skill, an open skill, or if you are developing tactical approaches for game play

15 Safety, Motivation, Individual Differences How will you accommodate the needs of different learners? How will you motivate learners to do their best? “Exercise as punishment”?, Rewards? Competition? Grades? How should the activity best be organized and spaced for safety? Do you need additional safety equipment? Is the equipment in good repair? Is the field wet?

16 Culminating Activity Closure assessment Ask questions about critical elements Ask questions about personal meaningfulness of lesson Make homework assignments Journaling Introduce the next day’s lesson objectives to tie learning together

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