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MoW&M&P Report Group Name: TP19 Source: MoW Convenor, Enrico Scarrone, Telecom Italia, Meeting Date: 2015-09-07.

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Presentation on theme: "MoW&M&P Report Group Name: TP19 Source: MoW Convenor, Enrico Scarrone, Telecom Italia, Meeting Date: 2015-09-07."— Presentation transcript:

1 MoW&M&P Report Group Name: TP19 Source: MoW Convenor, Enrico Scarrone, Telecom Italia, Meeting Date: 2015-09-07

2 MoW Activities – 3 calls held from the last SC meeting jointly with M&P – MoW activity was concentrated to give guidelines about the transition workflow among subsequent releases, in particular the relation about the 3-stages starting date relations. The result is included as a new sectionat the end of the updated MoW in TP-2015-0809 (v1.3.2), presented for approval at this TP 19. © 2015 oneM2M Partners REQ-2015-0646-MOW_report_with_WG1_considerations 2

3 Guidelines When adopting a 3-stages approach developing a specification release it is necessary to concentrate the effort of the specific stage under development, and to develop each new requirement, new functionality and new protocol on consistent basis. The following guidelines are therefore given to govern the workflow among subsequent releases development (Release x+1 respect to Release x): Release x+1 stage 1 normative work cannot be initiated before the freezing of Release x stage 3 Release x+1 stage 2 normative work cannot be initiated before the ratification of Release-x Non normative work on stage 1 of Release x+1 can be performed at any time of Release x Non normative work on stage 2 Rel x+1 can be performed after the freezing of stage 3 Release x Testing is seen as an independent process not directly linked to the 3 stages model. These guidelines are general principles for all the Releases, the TP may decide different timelines for a specific release based on identified needs/opportunities. © 2015 oneM2M Partners REQ-2015-0646-MOW_report_with_WG1_considerations3

4 WG1 considerations Release x+1 stage 1 normative work cannot be initiated before the freezing of Release x stage 3 Non normative work on stage 1 of Release x+1 can be performed at any time of Release x This gives the flexibility to perform non normative work to prepare stage 1 for future releases while stage 2 and 3 are under normative development. Examples of potential examples/solutions are: - Continue to develop use case, which should contain potential new requirements for oneM2M - Create a new TR “potential requirement for future releases” © 2015 oneM2M Partners REQ-2015-0646-MOW_report_with_WG1_considerations4

5 M&P Activities – Update of M&P DRAFTING RULES -submitted for approval at SC 27 (SC-2015-0035) but sent back for revision, planned to be submitted at TP 28 (30 th of September).SC-2015-0035 Editorial updates – adding TSDSI, change copyright date. Removal of the mathematical formulae print screens as this option is no longer available in MS Word, Updated paragraphs to remove the possibility of hanging paragraphs Clarifications on normative references and editors notes Added information on Test Methods descriptions Updated the definitions, to assure that the definitions are identified with a capital initial letter © 2015 oneM2M Partners REQ-2015-0646-MOW_report_with_WG1_considerations5

6 M&P Activities – New partner type for member based organizations - current understanding: 1) A new type of partnership for member based organizations and government agencies (PT3, or associated partners as appropriate) 2) No financial and IPR obligations 3) No possibility of direct technical contribution for the organization and its members (still possible to collaborate via liaisons and have contribution via oneM2M members/PT2) 4) No need to sign the PA (separate document or email, as appropriate) 5) No rights of vote at SC and TP 6) Rights to attend TP and SC 7) PT3 needs to be approved by SC 8) No need for PT1 and PT2 to sign again the PA, the approval is made during SC meetings or by email 9) The PT3 have the right to refer to oneM2M in their document in their Webste, etc. partnership 10) The PT3 have the obligation to agree on the principle of oneM2M as described in the PA and support actively the promotion and visibility of oneM2M. © 2015 oneM2M REQ-2015-0646-MOW_report_with_WG1_considerations 6

7 M&P Activities – New partner type for member based organizations -open issues 1) Clarification of requirements (which are re potential interested organizations?, what are their expectations?) 2) Is there a real difference respect to the rights/obligations of associated members? 3) A new type of membership (e.g. sponsor members) could be enough? © 2015 oneM2M REQ-2015-0646-MOW_report_with_WG1_considerations 7

8 Future planned work – Next calls jointly with MoW: 14 September 1015 ( Focus on new partner type) 21 September 1015 ( Focus on capitalization of definitions) Other two calls before TP20 are foreseen.. © 2015 oneM2M Partners REQ-2015-0646-MOW_report_with_WG1_considerations

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