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 Consistency  Progression  Preparation  Communication.

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2  Consistency  Progression  Preparation  Communication

3  Title  Objectives  Materials  Methodology  Student Grouping  Procedure  Assessment  Teacher’s Notes  References  Resources  Tips  Summary  Reflection

4  Clear  Precise  Observable

5  Present Practice Produce  Review Present Practice Produce  Encounter Internalize Fluency  Pre During Post  Madeline Hunter 7 stages Plan  Pre-Task Task Post Task  IOA

6  New Language  New Structures  Information for the lesson  Pictures, Vocabulary, Words, Flashcards  Teacher Lead

7  Work with controlled materials  Materials are developed by the teacher  Students work with each other while teacher monitors and adjusts  Students have more control however the structure is key

8  Teacher steps out as much as possible  Based around the language of the Present and practice stage  Students use the language of the lesson and personal language  Teacher listens and assesses

9  Review  Format is PPP with the Present stage being a review of previously learned language or structures  Teacher controls the review, leads students through presentation of activities before moving to practice review and production review

10  PPP is flexible and encompasses a number of teaching methodologies  Task Based Learning  Cooperative Learning  Communicative Learning  Multiple Intelligences  Project Based Learning  Differentiated Learning  Natural Approach

11  Multiple Intelligence Plan  Communicative Plan  Task Based Plan


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