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Luiz Mesquita, Ph.D. March 31 st, 2006 On Cross Country Research Projects Luiz F. Mesquita, Ph.D. School of Global Management & Leadership Arizona State.

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Presentation on theme: "Luiz Mesquita, Ph.D. March 31 st, 2006 On Cross Country Research Projects Luiz F. Mesquita, Ph.D. School of Global Management & Leadership Arizona State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Luiz Mesquita, Ph.D. March 31 st, 2006 On Cross Country Research Projects Luiz F. Mesquita, Ph.D. School of Global Management & Leadership Arizona State University  Luiz’s background: Brazilian, Masters Degree in Economics, Ph.D. in Strategy Management; 10 years in the USA, 2 years in Argentina; Ad hoc research projects with Brazilian and Argentine Business Schools;

2 Luiz Mesquita, Ph.D. March 31 st, 2006 Outline of this presentation  Cross country research: Path dependent process; One builds bridges to it; Good partnering opportunities appear to ‘known’ people;  2 prior building blocks… 1.Networks (with whom?); 2.Organizational structure (resources needed?);  2 process steps (1 to 3 years)… 1.Planning and Establishing Goals 2.Seeking funding 3.Implementing project (after funding secured)  3 highly successful initiatives; 1.USA & Latin America; 2.USA & Argentina; 3.Latin America;

3 Luiz Mesquita, Ph.D. March 31 st, 2006 Building Block 1 – Networks 1. First, explore new contacts; 1.Our own “Alma Matter”; 2.Latin American Centered Associations 1.Ibero American Academy; 2.B.A.L.A.S. 3.International Academy of Management; 4.ANPAD; 3.Large discipline-based conferences; 1.Research Panel; 2.Individual presentations; 3.Social gatherings; 4.Smaller (focused) discipline-based conferences; 1.Less competition for attention; 2.Harder to find ‘by accident’; 2. Second, deepen relationships and create fertile ground; 1.Associated Schools in other Countries; 1.Visiting Professor Positions – create fertile-ground for research ideas to spark (e.g. IAE, IBMEC, FGV, COPPEAD);

4 Luiz Mesquita, Ph.D. March 31 st, 2006 Building Block 2 - Organizational Structure 1. Time allocation; Blocks of focused time x scattered minutes; 2. Training on theory, methods, and writing for right target; Doctorate degree geared towards the right type of research; 3. Pay incentives; Consulting x research orientation;  After, it is easier to start process steps… (next)

5 Luiz Mesquita, Ph.D. March 31 st, 2006 Process step 1 - Establish goals to write proposal Join someone else’s international project x initiate your own? 1. Define types of outlet, and type of research: 1.Theory & statistical analysis studies– regional / worldwide; 1.Academic journals; 2.Conferences / panels; 2.Mostly Case-based– regional / worldwide 1.Books; 2.Conferences; 3.Mostly applied research (Academic x Practitioner orientation): 1.Books; 2.Conferences / panels; 3.Consulting & training of regional practitioners; 2. Based on above, define type of co-authorship, and size of group: 1.Large groups (e.g. book editing, journal special issue, conference panel, large, multi-country data-base projects, multi-paper projects) – centralize editorial work with 1 or 2 scholars, so as to coordinate large group effort; 2.Co-authorship (e.g. research paper) – 2 principal investigators w/ 1 leader; 3. After, write a proposal with clear objectives, seek funding… (next)

6 Luiz Mesquita, Ph.D. March 31 st, 2006 Process step 2 - Planning for Funding 1. Multilateral agencies 1.Inter-American Development Bank 2.World Bank 1.Sponsor development projects with side research opportunities; 3.Fulbright 1.Sponsor short-term scholarships for international visits; 2. University-based Research Centers 1.Private funds: 1.U of Michigan’s William Davidson Institute, 2.Arizona State’s CAPS 2.University funds: 1.IBMEC Research Center, 2.Thunderbird Research Center; 3.“Teaching” funding (e.g. IBMEC, IAE) 3. Independent, Government-based Agencies. Examples: 1.USA – CIBER; 2.Brazil – FAPESP;

7 Luiz Mesquita, Ph.D. March 31 st, 2006 3 highly successful initiatives 1. Can Latin American Firms Compete? 1.Networks – Rob’s and Luiz’s friends and colleagues; 2.Goals / type of research – theory & empirical analyses; 3.Goals / outlet – book, conference of chapters; 4.Funding – CIBER, T-Bird research center; 2. Competitiveness of Clusters of Small & Medium Enterprises; 1.Networks – Luiz’s friends; 2.Type of research – theory & statistical analyses (survey); 3.Outlet – Highly ranked academic journal, conferences; 4.Funding – Inter American Development Bank 3. Cultural Differences Across Latin America; 1.Networks – Patricia’s friends; 2.Type of research – theory & statistical analyses (survey); 3.Outlet – book, highly ranked academic journal, conferences; 4.Funding – L.A.H.R.P.

8 Luiz Mesquita, Ph.D. March 31 st, 2006 QUESTIONS?

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