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Presented by: Cindy Theodore, Lynsey Avalone. To develop and strengthen community partnership that draw on the expertise of Boston’s Faith-Based leaders.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Cindy Theodore, Lynsey Avalone. To develop and strengthen community partnership that draw on the expertise of Boston’s Faith-Based leaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Cindy Theodore, Lynsey Avalone

2 To develop and strengthen community partnership that draw on the expertise of Boston’s Faith-Based leaders to create the change necessary for promoting health equities among Boston residents.

3  Public health outreach barriers and difficulties faced by Public Health Nursing, outreach programs within the Boston Public Health Commission: stigma, fear, cultural competencies  H1N1(2009): Disease trend, minorities mostly affected  Exploring potential collaboration within the Faith-Based Community began: door knocking, free flu clinics, providing resources and education.

4  Healthcare providers working and volunteering within Faith-Based organizations targeted  Flu Trainings and Train the Trainer models began  2009-2010 over 20 Healthcare workers (primarily nurses) were trained and provided flu vaccine at their place of worship.

5 Flu training model a) Influenza definition b) Current data on Influenza activities in Boston c) Protection against the Flu d) Vaccine education (components in the vaccine, Mist vs. Injectable) e) How to administer vaccine (adult vs. children) f) How to set-up clinic (mass dispensing clinics)

6  To date close to 60 FBO volunteers including nurses and physicians have received the training  CEUs and Lunch provided  Yearly Training required in order to host flu clinics

7 TThank you event

8  Success of the 2009 Flu Training Model encouraged the Commission to establish a more formal relationship with the FBOs  A survey to initiate the partnership and assess community needs was established and sent to over 500 FBOs (close to 130 FBOs have initiated and maintained on-going relations with BPHC)  Services and resources provided directly from BPHC resources and programs


10  Wellness Center Training  Healthy Cooking Demonstrations in 5 targeted places of worship (healthy alternatives for holiday food preparation)  Implementing policies to reduce Sugar Sweetened Beverage consumption in places of worship  Implementing policies to reduce soda and chip consumption in places or worship

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