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Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest Rick Gustafson School of Environmental Science and Forestry College of the Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest Rick Gustafson School of Environmental Science and Forestry College of the Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Hardwood Biofuels Northwest Rick Gustafson School of Environmental Science and Forestry College of the Environment

2 Our Vision 5 million tons biomass/yr 400,000 acres in production Poplar-industrial growers Poplar-farmer-based partnerships Local residuals 400 million gallons/yr (75% of pro-rata PNW RFS2 for 2022) 100% infrastructure compatible biofuels Sustainable system Environmental Economic Social 1500 direct employment – most in rural areas Vigorous Extension Comprehensive Education

3 11/1/20153 Major Project Areas Feedstock Conversion Sustainability Extension Education

4 Poplar Feedstock Attributes High productivity Proven plantation production Coppice regeneration Well developed harvest systems Quality feedstock for biochemical processing 4

5 Feedstock – Trial Plantations

6 Feedstock - Supporting Research


8 11/1/20158 Major Project Areas Feedstock Conversion Sustainability Extension Education

9 Conversion - ZeaChem Process Hydrotreat Dehydrate OligomerizeHydrotreat DehydrateOligomerize Conventional Refining/Petrochemical Units C3 Fermentation C2 Fermentation Gasification Hydrolysis Biomass Wood Grass Ag Residue Corn/Cane Sugars Lignin Jet Acetic Acid Propionic Acid OligomerizeHydrotreat Diesel Gasoline Propylene Ethylene Ethanol Hydrogen (to Hydrotreating) Steam, Power ZeaChem Technology Outside Technology

10 Conversion Schedule

11 11/1/201511 Major Project Areas Feedstock Conversion Sustainability Extension Education

12 11/1/201512 Sustainability - environmental Complete life cycle assessments for the production and use of “drop-in” fuels using poplar feedstock and ZeaChem C2 and C3 processes. Processing & Conversion Production of Raw Materials Use and Maintenance Retirement and Disposal

13 Sustainability- economics Microeconomics Macroeconomics

14 Social Impact Assessment Social Feasibility & Stakeholder Involvement Inventory – Community profiles; Scoping, Projection of estimated effects Analysis of Fit Alternatives: Recommend Plan, Program, Project Action Plans – Mitigation, Remediation, & Enhancement – Monitoring

15 11/1/201515 Major Project Areas Feedstock Conversion Sustainability Extension Education

16 Extension 16 Extension Impacted Communities Industry Partners Researchers Consumers Students Policy Makers

17 11/1/201517 Major Project Areas Feedstock Conversion Sustainability Extension Education

18 Precollege: OSU SMILE SMILE Science and Math Investigative Learning Experiences IN THE COMMUNITIES AT OSU

19 Community/Technical College: Agriculture Center of Excellence (ACE): 57 regional community colleges with related programs of study

20 Undergraduate Program: Interdisciplinary BIOENERGY MINOR centered on student research Professional Science Master’s

21 Conclusion Regional Sustainable Biofuels Industry Has Many Benefits Environmentally Sound, Economically Viable, Socially Acceptable Regional CAP Research Program Enables Development of a Sustainable Biofuels Industry

22 Sustainably produced Good for local economy Rural development Connection w/ product and producer

23 Sustainably produced Good for local economy Rural development Connection w/ product and producer GROW & REFINE LOCALLY

24 Acknowledgements Funded by a grant from USDA NIFA Regional CAP program

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