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3/17/08AON/Arctic Integration Workshop1 IPY: Collaborative Research on the State of the Arctic Sea Ice Cover: An Integrated Seasonal Ice Zone Observing.

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Presentation on theme: "3/17/08AON/Arctic Integration Workshop1 IPY: Collaborative Research on the State of the Arctic Sea Ice Cover: An Integrated Seasonal Ice Zone Observing."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/17/08AON/Arctic Integration Workshop1 IPY: Collaborative Research on the State of the Arctic Sea Ice Cover: An Integrated Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONet) Investigators: Eicken, Johnson, Lovecraft, Heinrichs, Gradinger (UAF), Perovich, Sturm (CRREL) Contributing partners: Nghiem (JPL), Markus (GSFC), Krupnik (Smithsonian), Shirasawa, Tateyama & Enomoto (Japan), Hendricks (Germany), Haas & Barber (Canada), Gerland (Norway) Linkages and integration through CliC Sea-Ice Working Group, Sea-Ice Knowledge and Use (SIKU) IPY Project, UA North by 2020 IPY Forum Outreach activities with Bering Sea School District, UA North by 2020 IPY Forum; Int’l Field Course, Barrow, May 2008 Principal contacts: Hajo Eicken (, Don Perovich ( Data access: CADIS web site;,, (May 2008)

2 3/17/08AON/Arctic Integration Workshop2 Aims SIZ expanding, lack of data (thickness, mass balance, albedo) to assess whether moving to new state Ice deformation & snow (Okhotsk Sea as analog of future Arctic SIZ?) Does local change at scale relevant to stakeholders conform with pan-Arctic change? Observations Coastal mass budget & optics measurements (w/ feedback from stakeholders) Coastal ice observations by Iñupiaq (& Hokkaido) ice experts - database Drifting buoys Thickness and property surveys (Alert, Barrow, Bering & Okhotsk Sea)

3 3/17/08AON/Arctic Integration Workshop3 Sea-ice system services (SISS) as an aid to integration of “pure” and “applied” science 1)Climate regulator, marine hazard, coastal buffer 2)Coastal platform & roadway 3)Cultural services from “icescape” 4)Support of foodwebs and biological diversity “State vs. Stake”: Institutional analysis & prioritization Calibration through work with local experts and stakeholders

4 3/17/08AON/Arctic Integration Workshop4 Coastal ice: Integrating RS & local obs’ns Wales 11/7/07 - 1st pancake ice 11/11/07 - coastal slush berm washed away, one boat w/ hunters got 18 seals Shishmaref: 11/15/07 - slush ice berms protect shoreline 12/14-25 - shorefast ice repeatedly forms & breaks out 12/26: ice blown in forms persistent shorefast ice belt Barrow 11/3/07 - 1st local ice formation on Chukchi Sea side Early Nov - 12/25/07: Unstable shorefast ice w/ break-outs 12/26/07: Shorefast ice has stabilized Nov 17, 2007; SSM/I

5 3/17/08AON/Arctic Integration Workshop5 Integration AON: local observations; snow; ice thickness & properties; buoys; remote sensing & ground-based obs. International: CliC Arctic Sea Ice Working Group (WS Fall/Winter 2008) - Coordination of observations, development of joint protocols and associated tools; Sea-ice knowledge & use (SIKU) IPY project Across stakeholder groups: Local government & communities (NSB sea ice workshops); exchange with industry (JIP?); SIKU project “Pure” & “applied” science: North by 2020 - Coastal & Offshore Oil & Gas theme synthesis workshop (Reducing environmental risk through information management & exchange) - International Barrow Sea Ice Field course (May 2008): Concepts & practical approaches to integrated observing programs

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