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Lecture # 10 & 11 Chapter 5 – Managerial Decision Making.

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1 Lecture # 10 & 11 Chapter 5 – Managerial Decision Making

2 Steps in Decision-making Process Decision-making: the process by which managers identify organizational problems and try resolving them. 1.Identify the problem 2.Generate alternative solutions 3.Evaluate and choose among alternative solutions 4.Implement and monitor the chosen solution

3 Types of Problems  Crisis problem: a serious problem requiring immediate action.  Non-crisis problem: an issue requiring resolution but without taking immediate action.  Opportunity problem: a situation offering strong potential for significant organizational gain if appropriate actions are taken.

4 Decision-making Situations  Programmed decisions: decisions made in routine, well-structured situations by use of pre-determined decision rules.  Non-programmed decisions: decisions for which pre-determined decision rules are impractical. Uncertainty and risk is involved in this.

5 Managers as Decision Makers  Rational model: in this model managers make rational decisions, they possess and understand all information relevant to their decisions at that time.  Non-rational model: model suggesting information gathering and processing limitations making it difficult for managers to make optimal decisions.

6 3 Models of Decision-making under Non-rational framework  Satisficing model: model stating managers seek alternatives only until they find one which looks satisfactory, rather than seeking an optimal decision.  Incremental model: model stating managers make the smallest response possible to reduce the problem to at least a tolerable level.  Rubbish-bin model: model stating managers behave in virtually a random way in making non-programmed decisions.

7 Decision-making Models  Descriptive decision-making model: this model shows how managers actually make decisions.  Normative decision-making model: this model prescribes how managers should make decisions.

8 Steps in an Effective Decision- making process 1.Identify the problem i.Scanning stage ii.Categorization stage iii.Diagnosis stage 2. Generate alternative solutions i.Restrict criticism ii.Brainstorming iii.Combine and improve on ideas

9 3. Evaluate and choose among alternatives i.Evaluate feasibility ii.Quality iii.Acceptability iv.Costs v.Reversibility vi.Ethics 4. Implement the chosen solution and then monitor it

10 Overcoming Barriers to Effective Decision-making 1.Accepting the problem challenge i.Complacency: condition in which individuals do not see signs of danger or opportunity or they see and they ignore them. ii.Defensive avoidance: condition in which individuals deny the importance of a danger or an opportunity or deny any responsibility for taking action.

11 iii.Panic: conditions in which individuals become so upset that they frantically seek a way to solve the problem. iv.Deciding to decide: response in which decision makers accept the challenge of deciding what to do about a problem and follow an effective decision making process.

12 2.Searching for sufficient alternatives 3.Recognizing common decision-making biases 4.Avoiding the decision-escalation phenomenon

13 Stages of Creativity 1.Preparation: gathering initial information, defining the task requiring creativity, generating alternatives, carefully analyzing data. 2.Incubation: involves subconscious mental activity and divergent thinking to explore unusual alternatives. 3.Illumination: new insight is achieved. 4.Verification: testing of ideas

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