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On RABI campaign NATIONAL CONFERENCE on RABI campaign 2008 - 2009 24 – 25 th September/2008 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ARUNACHAL PRADESH A brief presentation.

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1 on RABI campaign NATIONAL CONFERENCE on RABI campaign 2008 - 2009 24 – 25 th September/2008 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ARUNACHAL PRADESH A brief presentation on status of Agriculture activities



4 B.KHARIF ASSESSMENT: 2008 Sl. No. CropArea (in 000’ Hect.)Production (in 000’ Tones) TargetLikely Achievement TargetLikely Achievement I.CEREAL CROPS a) Rice / Paddy128.000124.500265.000255.000 b) Maize38.00037.50052.50050.500 c) Millet23.20022.50022.00020.500 TOTAL CEREALS:-189.200184.500339.500326.00 II.PULSES:- a) Black-gram0.6500.6350.5550.528 b) Moong0.8200.8000.7200.685 c) Pea0.3080.3000.5000.475 d) Arhar0.5500.5300.5100.485 e) Rajma1.2751.2581.5001.460 f) Other local Pulses0.3970.3270.3150.267 TOTAL PULSES:-4.0003.8504.1003.900 TOTAL CEREALS:-193.200188.350348.600329.900

5 KHARIF ASSESSMENT: 2008 Sl. No. CropArea (in 000’ Hect.)Production (in 000’ Tones) TargetLikely Achievement TargetLikely Achievement III.OILSEEDS:- a) Soya bean2.620 3.5003.000 b) Sesamum1.075 1.0200.950 c) Groundnut0.515 0.4700.450 d) Sun-flower0.415 0.3350.322 e) Other local Oilseeds0.375 0.335 TOTAL OILSEEDS:-5.000 5.7005.055 IV.OTHER COMMERCIAL CROPS:- a) Potato1.000 8.0007.500 b) Ginger6.5356.40050.00048.000 c) Turmeric0.565 2.200 d) Chilly1.000 1.600 e) Sugarcane1.250 23.000 f) Vegetables5.000 21.500

6 RABI PROSPECT: 2008 - 2009 Sl. No.CropsArea (in 000’ Hect.) Production (in 000’ MT.) I.CEREAL CROPS a) Maize11.00015.500 b) Wheat3.2505.500 TOTAL CEREALS:-14.25021.000 II.PULSES:- a) Black-gram0.5800.530 b) Pea3.4504.100 c) Lentil0.2800.195 d) Other local pulses0.4700.575 TOTAL PULSES:-5.0505.400 III.OILSEEDS:- a) Mustard26.20025.300 IV.a) Potato3.32027.000 b) Chilly1.4753.600 c) Vegetables (Seasonal)16.50070.500

7 C. SEEDS REQUIREMNT & AVAILABILITY OF CERTIFIED SEEDS FOR RABI: 2008 – 09. (in Qtls.) Sl. No. CropsVarietyRequire- ment Source of availabilityTotalSurplus/ Deficit DOAPvt. Company NSCSFCIOther State Agency Other outside Agency 1.WheatSonalika/ Nirmal- 139 Sonali HD-2404 K- 88 500 300 100 -- 400 250 100 50 100 50 -- 50 -- 500 300 100 Nil SUB TOTAL:-1000--800200-- 1000 II.Mustard / Toria M-27 Varuna B-9 450 350 100 150 50 -- 150 200 50 150 100 50 -- 450 350 100 Nil SUB TOTAL:-900200400300-- 900 III.PeaRachhna Arkel B/Ville 400 250 150 -- 300 200 100 50 -- 400 250 150 Nil SUB TOTAL:-800--600200-- 800

8 REQUIREMNT & AVAILABILITY OF CERTIFIED SEEDS FOR RABI: 2008 – 2009. (in Qtls.) Sl. No. CropsVarietyRequire- ment Source of availabilityTotalSurplus/ Deficit DOAPvt. Company NSCSFCIOther State Agency Other outside Agency 1V.Rabi MaizeG-5, G-11 Deccan- 103 / Nirmal-51, Kanchan 150 200 50 -- 100 150 50 -- 150 200 50 Nil SUB TOTAL:-400--300100-- 400 V.Black-gramT- 9, NLU-7 300--300-- 300Nil SUB TOTAL:-300--300-- 300 VI.Other Rabi crops Lentil, Linseed, Barley, Gram, Sunflower etc. 250--250-- 250Nil SUB TOTAL:-250--250-- 250 GRAND TOTAL:-36502002650800-- 3650Nil  The seed requirement during the Rabi: 2008 is increased by 12.37% from the level of utilization during Rabi: 2007.

9  SEED TREATMENT AND TESTING  Area brought under seed treatment during 2007 – 08:8,500 Hect.  Target Area to bring under Seed treatment during 2008 – 09:12,000 Hect. (Kharif: 6,000 Hect., Rabi: 6,000 Hect.)  Seed testing intake capacity annually:5000 samples  Seed tested during 2007 – 2008:4200 Nos. (84%)  Seed Tested from 01 st April/2008 to 31 st August/08:3500 Nos. (70%)

10 SEED REPLACEMENT RATE (SRR)  SEED REPLACEMENT RATE (SRR) Crop SRR ( %) 2007- 08 2008- 09 (T) Paddy 8.00 8.22 Maize 9.42 9.90 Soya bean68.5765.22 Arhar68.9667.11 Black-gram38.4637.68 Wheat21.5021.15 Pea29.0728.12 Mustard / Toria31.1430.00

11 D.FERTILIZERS (i) Fertilizer availability:  Fertilizer supply plan already discussed in details and allocation is finalized in the Zonal Conference held at Kohima on 08.09.2008. Requirement for Rabi 2008 – 09:- i)Urea : 400 MT. ii)DAP : 300 MT.Supplying agencies are also finalized. iii)SSP : 200 MT. iv)MOP : 100 MT.  The requirement of Chemical fertilizer is higher by 8.6% than the consumption during last Rabi: 2007.  Efforts are continued to bring N:P:K Ratio in the level of 4:2:1 from the level of 6:3:1 in the last year. Subsidy against Nitrogenous fertilizer is reduced by 20% in the year 2008 – 09. (ii) Integrated Nutrient Management (INM):  Production of 4,000 Qtl. Of enriched compost and 400 Qtl. of vermi compost through Govt. agency for distribution to farmers on 100% subsidy rate.  80 Nos. of vermi compost units are already establishment during 2007 – 08 at Block level covering 86 Blocks of the State.  200 Qtl. Of green manure seed is being distributed during 2008 – 09.  Technical guideline rendered for vermi composting.  Significant impact on soil productivity observation.

12 E.MARKETING E.MARKETING a) Present status and future requirement:- Sl. No.ParticularsPresent statusFuture requirement 01.Whole sale Market06 Nos. at Tezu, Itanagar, Ziro and Bomdila 05 Nos. at Miao, Bordumsa, Namsai, Aalo and Kimin 02.Rural Primary Market20 Nos.35 Nos. 03.State grading Laboratory02 Nos.04 Nos. at Miao, Roing, Bomdila and Ziro 04.Cold Storage01 No. completed 03 Nos. under construction 02 Nos. 05.Cold room facility--02 Nos. 06.Fruit pulping unit--01 No. 07.Rice Mill- 4 MT. capacity--02 Nos. 08.Refrigerating van--03 Nos. 09.Oil extraction Mill (1.5 MT. capacity --01 No. 10.Storage godown  10,000 MT. already created  2,000 MT. in the process of construction 30,000 MT. 11.Grading & packing unit of fruits 01 No. (to be constructed in the current year) 02 Nos. 12.Notified APMC14 Nos. (Functional)02 Nos.

13 F.BEST PRACTICES ADOPTED BY THE STATE Higher SRR – 8% in Paddy. Seed treatment campaign through ATMA programme. Integrated nutrient management (INM) with special focus on anionic micronutrient and Zinc in some areas where deficiency noticed. Popularizing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) concept. Encouraging Organic farming by popularizing organic and biofertilizers in the areas where farming practice is traditionally organic. Awareness and sensitization through print & electronic media about developing Agro- eco tourism. Inter-district / State exposure visit of farmers, Kisan Mela, Farmers-scientist interaction under ATMA programmes. SRO technology introduced from Kharif: 2008.

14 G.NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION  Rice is the staple food of Arunachal Pradesh.  Due to low productivity and recurrent natural calamities there has been food deficit necessitating import of huge quantity of PDS rice.  Anticipated food position in terms of Rice during 2008 – 2009 is as under:- Total Rice (Paddy) requirement: 2,31,883 MT. Anticipated Production: 1,65,750 MT. _________________________________________________ Likely deficit: 66,133 MT. _________________________________________________ In order to reduce the anticipated Rice deficit, it is necessary to enhance area and productivity of Rice. Inclusion of at least 3 major Rice growing Districts viz. East Siang, Lohit and Changlang in the National Food Security Mission may be considered by the GOI.

15 H. RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKASH YOJANA (RKVY) RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKASH YOJANA (RKVY)’ As per the National Development Council (NDC) meeting held on 29 th May/2008 and the notification of the Planning Commission, Govt. of India, ‘ RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKASH YOJANA (RKVY)’ programme was launched in Arunachal Pradesh during November/2007. Accordingly, the following activities have been initiated by the State Govt. as per the programme provision under RKVY to implement the programme. Sl. No. Activities / ItemsProgress (As on 31 st July/2008) Administrative arrangement State levelDistrict level 01.Nodal DepartmentDepartment of Agriculture 02.State Nodal AgencyDepartment of AgricultureOffice of District Agriculture Officer 03.State Nodal OfficerDepartment of AgricultureDistrict Agriculture Officer 04.Immediate Officer-in-chargeDeputy Director (Agril. Information)Department of Agriculture 05.Supporting OfficerSenior Technical AssistantDub-Divisional Agriculture Officer / Agriculture Development Officer 06.Total number and name of the District in the State 16 (Sixteen Districts):- Tawang, West Kameng, East Kameng, West Siang, East Siang, Upper Siang, Kurung Kumey, Lower Subansiri, Upper Subansiri, Papum Pare, Dibang Valley, Lower Dibang Valley, Lohit, Tirap, Changlang & Anjaw 07.Total number of Districts for which funds are provided by the Planning Commission for preparation of District Agriculture Plans and total fund provided so far For all 16 (Sixteen) Districts, the Planning Commission, Govt. of India has provided fund of Rs.1.60 Crore @ Rs.10.00 lakh per District for the preparation of District Agriculture Plans (DAP). 08.Constitution of District Planning Committee District Planning Committee (DPC) already constituted for all the 16 (Sixteen) Districts of the State.

16 Sl. No.Activities / ItemsProgress (As on 31 st July/2008) 09Name of consultancy Agency for preparation of District Agriculture Plans (DAP’s) under Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Vojana (RKVY). National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), North - Eastern Regional Centre, Guwahati has been assigned vide their acceptance letter NO.96/2008-09/ D/ MISC/2153, dated 26/06/2008. 10.Status of formulation of District Agricultural Plans (DAPs) District Planning Committee (DRP) already constituted for all the 16 (Sixteen) Districts of the State. The National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), North-Eastern Regional Centre, Guwahati has been assigned for the preparation of Comprehensive District Agricultural Plans (C-DAP) and field works already started from the 1 st week of September/2008. The proposal for Rs.1.60 Crore @ Rs.10.00 lakh per District is under submission to the Finance Department for concurrence. 11..Up dated financial ad physical performance of project-wise under Stream-I of RKVY during 2007 – 08. The preparation of the project proposals have already completed and compiled to place before the State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) and process for obtaining sanction from SLSC is in progress. So there is no achievement in physical and financial term under Stream-I of RKVY during 2007 – 08. Projects will be implemented immediately, the proposed amount of Rs.95.00 lakh (Rupees Ninety five lakhs) only is sanctioned by the SLSC. 12.The projects / schemes that have been implemented with Stream-II funds of RKVY during 2007 – 08. 1) Agriculture Department:- The project/ Scheme that have been strengthened under Stream-II of RKVY was on manure and fertilizers as under:- a) Urea : 105 MT. for Rs.5,07,150/- b) DAP : 101 MT. for Rs.9,44,350/- c) MOP : 110 MT. for Rs.5,01,050/- d) TPT : L/S for Rs. 4,740/- TOTAL:- Rs.20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty lakh) only.

17 Sl. No.Activities / ItemsProgress (As on 31 st July/2008) 12.The projects / schemes that have been implemented with Stream-II funds of RKVY during 2007 – 08. 2) Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department:- a) Purchase of cream separator : 84 Nos. for Rs.1.00 lakh b) Handulin milk cane : 80 Nos. for Rs.2.32 lakh c) Electric motor & generator : 1 set for Rs.0.88 lakh d) Fat testing machine with : 1 set for Rs.0.80 lakh accessories ________________________ TOTAL:- Rs.5.00 lakh (Rupees Five lakh) only. 3) Horticulture Department:- a) Purchase of Horticulture training equipment : Rs.5.00 lakh (for Horticulture Training Centre, Dirang) (Rupees Five lakh) only. Grand Total of 1+2+3 = Rs.20.00 lakh + Rs.5.00 lakh + Rs.5.00 lakh = Rs.30.00 lakh (Rupees Thirty lakh) only. 13.State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) meeting. Under process to hold shortly. 14.Constitution of a Committee under the Chairmanship of Agriculture Production Commissioner. The required Committee will be constituted as soon as the implementation of the proposed projects under Stream-I of Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Vojana (RKVY) and preparation of DAPs starts. 15.Submission of District Agricultural Plan (DAP) Expected to submit by January/2009.

18 I.EXTENSION The CSS on EXTENSION REFORMS is being implemented in Arunachal Pradesh since 2005-06 through the following institutional arrangements. STATE LEVEL:Inter Departmental Working Group (IDWG) Chairman : Secretary, Agriculture Secretary : Director, Agriculture SNO : Deputy Director, Agriculture SAMETI : Director, SAMETI, Pasighat DISTRICT LEVEL ATMA : 7 Nos. (existing) : 9 Nos. (New) from 2007 – 08 Existing ATMA New ATMA Location District SALARI West KamengTAWANGTawang YUPIA Papum Pare SEPPAEast Kameng ZIRO Lower Subansiri KOLORIANG Kurung Kumey PASIGHAT East SiangDAPORIJOUpper Subansiri ROING Lower Dibang ValleyAALOWest Siang KHEREM LohitYINGKIONGUpper Siang KHONSA TirapANINIDibang Valley HAYULIANGAnjaw CHANGLANGChanglang

19 ATMA ACTIVITIES DURING KHARIF- 2008 SREP : 9 Nos. draft SREP in respect of new ATMA districts already prepared and awaiting for vetting by MANAGE. Likely to be completed by 1st week of November/2008 District level BTT Training: 57 Nos. conducted in the new ATMA district. District level farmers’ Training : 27 Nos. conducted in the new ATMA district District level Exhibitions : 9 Nos. Inter District Exposure Visits : 9 Nos. 114 farmers(2 from each block) Farm School: 28 Nos. ( 1 in each block of 7 old ATMA district) Demonstration: 560 in progress in 7 old ATMA district Farmers’ Training: 112 Nos. in progress in 7 old ATMA district Equipments : 9 Nos. each of Computer with accessories, Photo-copier, UPS etc. provided to new ATMAs 3rd Party M & E: Assigned to AFC, Kolkata in progress.

20 FINANCIAL DURING KHARIF- 2008 FINANCIAL ACHIEVEMENTS DURING KHARIF- 2008 Approved SEWP2007 - 08 : 330.11 lakhs GOI’s 90% share: 297.11 lakhs State share: 33.00 lakhs GOI release: 142.25 lakhs State’s release: 33.00 lakhs Total release during 2007 - 2008: 175.25 lakhs UTILIZATION State Govt. concurrence up to 31/03/2008 : 87.68 lakh Unspent amount of 2007-08 :87.57 lakh ( Concurred recently by State Govt. and utilization is in progress. Likely to be completed shortly)

21 Integrated farming system approach is being accorded priority. Sectoral participation of AH & Vety, Fishery, Horticulture and Sericulture has a rising trend in ATMA activities as is evident from the above Pie chart. Livestock sector participation shows a steep rise from 10% in 2006-07 to 20% during 2007-08. Fishery sector also has shown a significant increase in participation from 10% to 17% during 2007-08.

22 J.ANY OTHER ISSUE OF IMPORTANCE Additional allocation of fund to the tune of minimum Rs.1.00 Crore is required under Macro Management against Farm Mechanization programme due to increase in demand of equipments and Machineries especially by women and small farmers. Assistance for strengthening of State Govt. Seed Farms on account of fencing, Machineries and equipments and irrigation. Establishment of one Bio-control Laboratory for eastern Arunachal. 100% assistance for engagement of Organic certification Agency for group and individual certification. Assistance for the construction of laboratory building to set up new Quality Control Laboratory in eastern part of the State due to financial hardship with State. Special assistance for a Kisan Ghar (Farmers’ Hostel) at State capital. Complete assistance for setting up Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) cell at Directorate of Agriculture. (Computer peripherals, software and hardware, system up gradation along with required manpower). Assistance for strengthening of market infrastructure.


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