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Introduction to Theory of Automata By: Wasim Ahmad Khan.

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1 Introduction to Theory of Automata By: Wasim Ahmad Khan

2 Alphabet/Symbols/Character Set A finite non-empty set of specific symbols (letters), is called alphabet. It is denoted by Greek letter ∑ (Sigma). An alphabet is a finite set of symbols, usually letters, digits, and punctuations.

3 Types of alphabet 1. Valid Alphabets 2. Invalid Alphabets

4 Valid Alphabet If there is suffix but not prefix then it is a valid Alphabet, While defining an alphabet of letters consisting of more than one symbols, no letter should be started with the letter of the same alphabet. Valid Alphabet :

5 Invalid Alphabet If there is prefix present in an alphabet then it is an invalid Alphabet. Invalid Alphabet :

6 String Collection of characters/Combination of symbols from an alphabet or sigma( ∑ ) OR Finite Collection of Symbols For Example a+b & intabc both are strings.

7 Valid Strings Language is a collection of Valid strings. To declare strings symbols are basic things. Criteria All the character used to write a string must belong to the character set of said language. It must follow the “vary clear” rules defined by said Language.

8 Restrictions of Character Set 1. It should not be included Capital lambda. 2. It should not be empty. 3. It must be finite.

9 Examples ∑ represents character set ∑ = { a, b } I define a valid character set. Finite & non empty. ∑ = { a, b, …} Invalid ∑ = { 1, 2 } Valid, Finite, Non Empty

10 Some Special Symbols 1. Sigma ∑ 2. Capital Lambda Λ 3. Epsilon ε

11 Lexicographical Order According to this strings are arranged in a set length wise as indexing is used in dictionary. ∑ = { a, b } Strings = aa, ab, ba, bb ∑ = { b, a } Strings = bb, ba, ab, aa

12 Valid Lengths Smallest valid length is zero ( 0 ) Largest valid length could be any length you can made over sigma Length of a string Count of positions available to hold character. ∑ = { a, aa } aaa its valid length could be 2 and 3.

13 Null String String having length zero or a string having no position at all. Empty String A String having no character at all For example : { } It creates a confusion so we mostly use phi φ.

14 Example 1 ∑ = { a, b } L = All the strings over the above sigma. { Λ, a, b, aa, ab, ba, bb, aaa, aab, aba, abb, baa, bab, bba, bbb, …} Note: For continuation use only 3 dots.

15 Example 2 ∑ = { a, b } L = All the strings starting with ‘ a ’ over the above sigma. { Λ, a, aa, ab, aaa, aab, aba, abb, …}

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