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Share Memory Program Example int array_size=1000 int global_array[array_size] main(argc, argv) { int nprocs=4; m_set_procs(nprocs); /* prepare to launch.

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Presentation on theme: "Share Memory Program Example int array_size=1000 int global_array[array_size] main(argc, argv) { int nprocs=4; m_set_procs(nprocs); /* prepare to launch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Share Memory Program Example int array_size=1000 int global_array[array_size] main(argc, argv) { int nprocs=4; m_set_procs(nprocs); /* prepare to launch this many processes */ m_fork(sum); /* fork out processes */ m_kill_procs(); /* kill activated processes */ } void sum() { int id; id = m_get_myid(); for (i=id*(array_size/nprocs); i<(id+1)*(array_size/nprocs); i++) global_array[id*array_size/nprocs]+=global_array[i]; }

2 Message-Passing Systems A message passing facility provides at least two operations: send(message), receive(message)

3 Message-Passing Systems If 2 processes want to communicate, a communication link must exist It has the following variations: 1. Direct or indirect communication 2. Synchronize or asynchronize communication 3. Automatic or explicit buffering

4 Message-Passing Systems Direct communication send(P, message) receive(Q, message) Properties: A link is established automatically A link is associated with exactly 2 processes Between each pair, there exists exactly one link

5 Message-Passing Systems Indirect communication: the messages are sent to and received from mailbox send(A, message) receive(A, message)

6 Message-Passing Systems Properties: A link is established only if both members of the pair have a shared mailbox A link is associated with more than 2 processes Between each pair, there exists a number of links

7 Message-Passing Systems Mailbox sharing P1, P2, andP3 share mailbox A P1, sends; P2 andP3 receive Who gets the message? Solutions Allow a link to be associated with at most two processes Allow only one process at a time to execute a receive operation Allow the system to select arbitrarily the receiver. Sender is notified who the receiver was.

8 Message-Passing Systems If the mailbox owned by process, it is easy to tell who is the owner and user. And there is no confuse we send the message and who receives it. When process terminates, the mailbox disappear

9 Message-Passing Systems If the mailbox owned by OS, it requires the following functions: Create a new mailbox Send and Receive message through the mailbox Delete a mailbox

10 Message-Passing Systems Synchronization: synchronous and asynchronous Blocking is considered synchronous Blocking send has the sender block until the message is received Blocking receive has the receiver block until a message is available

11 Message-Passing Systems Non-blockingis considered asynchronous Non-blocking send has the sender send the message and continue Non-blocking receive has the receiver receive a valid message or null

12 Message-Passing Systems Buffering: Queue of messages attached to the link, there are 3 variations: Zero capacity –0 messages Sender must wait for receiver Bounded capacity –finite length of n messages, sender must wait if link full Unbounded capacity –infinite length Sender never waits

13 MPI Program example #include "mpi.h" #include int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int id; /* Process rank */ int p; /* Number of processes */ int i,j; int array_size=100; int array[array_size]; /* or *array and then use malloc or vector to increase the size */ int local_array[array_size/p]; int sum=0; MPI_Status stat; MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p);

14 MPI Program example if (id==0) { for(i=0; i<array_size; i++) array[i]=i; /* initialize array*/ for(i=0; i<p; i++) MPI_Send(&array[i*array_size/p], /* Start from*/ array_size/p, /* Message size*/ MPI_INT, /* Data type*/ i, /* Send to which process*/ MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else MPI_Recv(&local_array[0],array_size/p,MPI_INT,0,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&stat);

15 MPI Program example for(i=0;i<array_size/p;i++) sum+=local_array[i]; MPI_Reduce (&sum, &sum, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (id==0) printf("%d ",sum); }

16 Chapter 4 Threads Bernard Chen Spring 2007

17 Overview A thread is a basic unit of CPU utilization. Traditional (single-thread) process has only one single thread control Multithreaded process can perform more than one task at a time example: word may have a thread for displaying graphics, another respond for key strokes and a third for performing spelling and grammar checking

18 Overview Another example is web server: a busy web server may have several clients connected. Past method: when receives a request, create another process (time consuming and resource intensive) Multithreaded method: server create threads to “listen” the request from user. When a request is made, the server create another thread to service the request

19 Benefits Responsiveness: allow a program to continue running even if part of it is blocked or is performing a lengthy operation Resource sharing: share memory and resources Economy: unlike multi processors, no need to allocate memory and resources Utilization of multiprocessor architectures: multithreading on multi-CPU machine increases concurrency

20 Multithreading Models Support for threads may be provided either at the user level, for user threads, or by the kernel, for kernel threads User threads are supported above kernel and are managed without kernel support Kernel threads are supported and managed directly by the operating system

21 Multithreading Models Ultimately, there must exist a relationship between user thread and kernel thread User-level threads are managed by a thread library, and the kernel is unaware of them To run in a CPU, user-level thread must be mapped to an associated kernel-level thread

22 Many-to-one Model User Threads Kernel thread

23 Many-to-one Model It maps many user-level threads to one kernel thread Thread management is done by the thread library in user space, so it is efficient But the entire system may block makes a block system call. Besides multiple threads are unable to run in parallel on multiprocessors

24 One-to-one Model User Threads Kernel threads

25 One-to-one Model It provide more concurrency than the many- to-one model by allowing another thread to run when a thread makes a blocking system call It allows to run in parallel on multiprocessors The only drawback is that creating a user thread requires creating the corresponding kernel thread Most implementation restrict the number of threads create by user

26 Many-to-many Model User Threads Kernel threads

27 Many-to-many Model Multiplexes many user-level threads to a smaller or equal number of kernel threads User can create as many threads as they want When a block system called by a thread, the kernel can schedule another thread for execution

28 Pthread Example #include int sum; /* global variable*/ void *runner(void *param); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t tid; /* thread id*/ pthread_attr_t attr; /* set of thread attributes*/ pthread_attr_init(&attr); /* get the default attributes*/ pthread_create(&tid,&attr,runner,argv[1]); pthread_join(tid,NULL); printf(“sum=%d \n”,sum); }

29 Pthread Example void *runner(void *param) { int I; int upper = atoi(param); sum=0; for(i=1;i<=upper;i++) sum+=i; pthread_exit(0); }

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