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 Technological research and development introduces new products and services to society, some capable of affecting the way almost all of us lead our.

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2  Technological research and development introduces new products and services to society, some capable of affecting the way almost all of us lead our lives.  Email, cell phones, access to information..  As a response for the way we live our lives.  Technology permits communications and travel from almost anywhere to almost anywhere else.  Assists medical practitioners in their diagnoses and scientists in their research.

3  Largely responsible for increased waste, pollution.  Urban sprawl  Personal privacy issues.  Personal Health

4  Technologies also have the power to shape the values held by a society -- inculcating a wish for more convenience or durability, for example, or for something smaller, safer, and easier-to-use.  Car Safety  Product Safety.  Access to information.  We can send someone to the moon…..

5  The promise of computers was that the productivity increases realized by using them in the workplace would afford employees more free time to spend outside of work. As things have turned out, computer technology may have indeed increased productivity and made a lot of jobs much less labor-intensive, but many people work longer hours than ever before.

6  The United States contains less than 5 percent of the world's population of 6.1 billion, but it consumes roughly 25 percent of the world's fossil fuel resources.  Each American uses five times more energy than the average person in the world.  In underdeveloped nations, individuals use 0 to 10 percent of the energy used by the average person in the world.

7  The vast majority of the world's energy comes from burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are limited, nonrenewable resources.  Fossil fuels are being consumed faster than they are produced, they are destined to run out.  As underdeveloped nations become industrialized and the global population continues to grow, the world's energy demands will continue to increase.

8  As awareness grows about environmental issues such as pollution, human impact on climate change, and depletion of natural resources, so is interest growing in environmentally friendly products and services.  Green Cleaning products.  Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).  Hybrid vehicles.

9  Green technology minimizes impacts on the environment and natural resources.  Conserving water and energy.  Reducing waste and pollution.  Harnessing renewable energy sources.  Developing less polluting technologies.  Being green can boost the competitiveness of companies.  Good public relations.

10  Consumers reluctant to move forward with green products.  Hybrid  Communities reluctant to change:  Cape Wind, a wind farm off the coast of Massachusetts, was proposed, many local residents opposed it because of concerns over its visual impact and possible effects on tourism. This was despite the fact that the project could replace over 100 million gallons of oil burned per year, improve air quality, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 700,000 tons per year.

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