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[] Step 1 – Fuel source for heat. Heat is used to create steam (Can be bypassed for some sources!)

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Presentation on theme: "[] Step 1 – Fuel source for heat. Heat is used to create steam (Can be bypassed for some sources!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 [] Step 1 – Fuel source for heat. Heat is used to create steam (Can be bypassed for some sources!) Generating Electricity

2 [] Step 2 – The force of the heat or steam is used to turn a turbine

3 [] Step 3 – Turbine turns a generator to produce electricity (steam cooled and re-used!)

4 Fossil Fuels Formed from long term decay of plant and animal matter. Formed from long term decay of plant and animal matter. Non-renewable. Non-renewable. []

5 Fossil Fuels The energy content in fuels can be measured in Btu’s The energy content in fuels can be measured in Btu’s Amount of energy needed to heat 1 pound of water 1ºF. Amount of energy needed to heat 1 pound of water 1ºF.


7 Fossil Fuels About 70% of US electricity comes from the burning of fossil fuels. [] Click Here for MN Info

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10 Fossil Fuels The total process in which fossil fuels create electricity is 35% efficient. The total process in which fossil fuels create electricity is 35% efficient.

11 Fossil Fuels Byproducts of burning fossil fuels: CO 2 SO x (sulfur oxides) NO x (nitrogen oxides) []

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