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Student & Employee Accident/Injury Investigation and Reporting Safety is everyone’s responsibility!!

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Presentation on theme: "Student & Employee Accident/Injury Investigation and Reporting Safety is everyone’s responsibility!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student & Employee Accident/Injury Investigation and Reporting Safety is everyone’s responsibility!!

2 Federal and State Requirements A School District is responsible and liable for the safety of the school environment: condition of the school grounds playgrounds and, all activity within the school

3 Negligence the degree of care which the majority of people ordinarily use under the same or similar circumstances. “you fail ordinary care when, without intending to do any wrong, you act or omit precaution which an ordinary person should have foreseen”

4 Student Accidents/Injuries - General Guidelines Report all “incidents” (including significant “near misses”) to a student occurring on school grounds OR during school sponsored activity to the school office immediately Supervising staff must determine proper course of action Arrange for first-aid or other temporary care as needed Supervising staff should stay with injured students at all times - contact the school office staff via radio or send a responsible person if possible Never move an injured person if injury is suspected to be serious 911 is to be used for serious and/or life threatening cases

5 Serious Student Accidents/Injuries For ALL serious or potentially serious injuries: Secure proper medical care for student (911) Make sure school office is notified Contact Parent or Guardian (this should be your first notification) Contact Coordinator of Health Services Joanne Schoohs immediately after contacting the parent/guardian Notify Tom Wohlleber as soon as possible or practical

6 Student Accidents/Injuries - Mandatory Notification of Parent or Guardian - ASAP! Any injury of incident involving the following: Head or eye related (complete head injury letter and send home with student) Dental Musculoskeletal (fractures, dislocations, sprains, strains) Bites of any kind or Frostbite and cold related Allergic Reaction Open wound (abrasion, incision, laceration, puncture) Heat related illnesses (heat exhaustion) Anytime 911 is called Contact with another’s blood or body fluids Not an all encompassing list – contact may be made for other incidents not listed here.

7 Student Accident/Injury Report Form - FRONT PAGE Who: Supervising personnel in the immediate area completes When: Same day (within 24 hrs) How: E-MAIL the front (first) page only to Jeanne Butzek, Joanne Schoohs and your school nurse Articulate (in as much detail as possible) WHAT happened

8 Student Accident/Injury Report Form - Completion of BACK PAGE and Submission of Completed Report Who: Building Principal or Assistant Principal When: Within three (3) work days of the accident/injury How: Send the original copy of the completed report to Jeanne Butzek via intra-district mail Follow the District’s accident/injury follow-up and investigation process focusing on WHY the accident/injury occurred [determination of the root cause(s)] and what steps will be taken to prevent similar accidents in the future

9 Accident/Injury Follow-Up and Investigation Process WHAT - Identify/Determine the direct cause(s) WHY - Identify/Determine the root cause(s) What is our Primary Goal? To find the root cause(s) of the incident Eliminating or controlling a loss source will prevent a reoccurrence - Keeps our employees, students & public safe, saves time, money, and maintains a district free of safety hazards - Keeps our employees, students & public safe, saves time, money, and maintains a district free of safety hazards

10 Steps in the Accident/Injury Follow-Up and Investigation Process Obtain medical treatment for the injured student(s) or employee(s) Provide appropriate notifications regarding the student or employee accident/injury Manage the accident scene Keep others away from the accident scene to prevent further injuries Preserve the accident scene

11 Steps in the Accident/Injury Follow-Up and Investigation Process - continued Collect / Gather accident-related information Interview the injured student or employee as soon as possible Identify and interview accident witnesses (interview witnesses separately) Examine / Document the accident scene Note location of person(s) at the time of the accident Note location of objects Note conditions Take photographs (as warranted)

12 Tips on Investigating Accidents and Injuries When investigating we want to (GAIN) knowledge! 1) Go to the scene Report form (FILL OUT COMPLETELY!) 2) Ask …. Open ended questions; Tell me how… For a demonstration; Show me how… For employee input; What do you think can be done? 3) Interview witnesses separately 4) Never place blame; look for FACTS ONLY!

13 Employee Accident/Injuries Employees are responsible for reporting injuries to supervisors immediately Staff should attend to the health of injured first - our primary responsibility Contact Tom Wohlleber ASAP regarding any serious accident/injury All cases involving human bites or exposure to blood or bodily fluids, contact Coordinator of Health Services Joanne Schoohs immediately

14 Employee Accident/Injury Report Form - FRONT PAGE Who: Employee’s Supervisor completes When: Same day (within 24 hrs) How: E-MAIL the front (first) page only to Lori Krug, Tom Wohlleber and Jeanne Butzek Articulate (in as much detail as possible) WHAT happened

15 Employee Accident/Injury Report Form - Completion of BACK PAGE and Submission of Completed Report Who: Employee’s Supervisor When: Within three (3) work days of the accident/injury How: Send the original copy of the completed report to Jeanne Butzek via intra-district mail Follow the District’s accident/injury follow-up and investigation process focusing on WHY the accident/injury occurred [determination of root cause(s)] and what steps will be taken to prevent similar accidents in the future

16 Here are the Facts...

17 What does an Employee Accident/Injury REALLY Cost? Direct Costs Indirect Costs Medical Cost (Doctor’s visits, treatments, surgery, etc..) Indemnity Cost (2/3 wages up to a set amount weekly) Pain and suffering of employee Overtime costs Loss of productivity Equipment damage Quality due to replacements lack of expertise Time Note: These costs are NOT covered by insurance carrier and typically range from 7-10x’s the amount of direct costs.

18 Public (Non-Student / Non-Employee) Accidents/Injuries Report any and all injuries or accidents to school office immediately District employees at the scene are responsible for arranging the needed assistance Site Administrator, Supervisor (or other District Employee at scene) should attempt to collect information about the injury or accident from the third party. Collect names and contact information of any witnesses. Site Administrator or Supervisor shall inspect and verify conditions of premises/equipment. Complete non-student/non-employee accident form and forward to Jeanne Butzek within 24 hours of the incident.

19 Only in a School…..

20 Thank You Thank you for your on-going efforts and leadership in helping provide a safe environment for our students, staff and parents/visitors!!!!!

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