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The Cold War Unit 2 History. Quagmire A quagmire is a situation that is difficult to get out of. Following the Cuban Missile Crisis it was clear that.

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1 The Cold War Unit 2 History

2 Quagmire A quagmire is a situation that is difficult to get out of. Following the Cuban Missile Crisis it was clear that the Cold War had reached a quagmire as neither side could attack to end the conflict and so were left in a difficult position. Something our mate Glenn knows all too well.

3 Detente Pronounced ‘de-taunt’ is a French word meaning ‘relaxation’. This is what was needed by both USA and Soviet Union leaders to avoid World War Three. The need for diplomacy and compromise was heightened by the presence of nuclear weapons.

4 After Cuba Kennedy restored peace in Cuba but escalated conflict (and costs) in Vietnam. Said US would ‘pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty’

5 Vietnam Kennedy backed up this statement by sending money to the South Vietnamese army (at risk of Communist takeover), along with 15,000 ‘military advisors’. The US were now committed to Vietnam at a great cost.

6 Assassination of JFK John F Kennedy had only been President for a couple of years when on 22 nd November 1963 he was shot Lee Harvey Oswald who was then shot by Jack Ruby. This led to many conspiracy theories with the Warren Commission taking place to find out what happened.

7 Prague Spring 1968 In January 1968 Alexander Dubcek became Secretary of the Czeck Communist Party and argued for ‘socialism with a human face’. The Soviets responded by sending 600,000 troops to re-instate hardline communists under Gustav Husak in 1969.

8 US Sphere of Influence The US had been unsuccessful at overthrowing the Communists in Cuba. However, they were able to prevent left-wing governments from taking power in South Africa. For example, in 1965 the US invaded the Dominican Republic to avoid a left- wing coup.

9 Domino Theory

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