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A library’s open access publishing fund Claudia C. Holland Head, Scholarly Communication & Copyright Office VLACRL 2013, September 26, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "A library’s open access publishing fund Claudia C. Holland Head, Scholarly Communication & Copyright Office VLACRL 2013, September 26, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 A library’s open access publishing fund Claudia C. Holland Head, Scholarly Communication & Copyright Office VLACRL 2013, September 26, 2013

2  Verify the need  Where will the money come from?  Documentation  Payment process  Market the fund  Sustainability  Challenges

3 Faculty Forum Presented our “case.” Gauging interest. Offered an online survey.

4 Results Small sample (~31) 81% in favor 19% opposed



7  A publisher invoice & attendant OAPF form are submitted to verify “request for payment”  A publisher may allow credit card payment via a link; library earns 1% per CC pmt.  Payment to an international publisher may incur a 1% transaction fee.  International payment by check may require a 30% tax if no proper W-8 tax form from publisher on file.  In addition to a dummy PO, a record is created in Voyager (so reports may be run on this fund), after which an eVA form is completed. * May not be applicable to/meet your school’s requirements



10 *Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study is a cross-disciplinary research institute with two in-house departments.

11 Provost’s Office Office of Research Library College of Science

12  Affiliate faculty  OA journal listed in DOAJ* but publisher is on Beall’s ListBeall’s List  Hybrid journals  Saying “no” to faculty * Directory of Open Access Journals

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