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How to diagnose dementia? Dr. Sridhar Vaitheswaran 25 th October 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "How to diagnose dementia? Dr. Sridhar Vaitheswaran 25 th October 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to diagnose dementia? Dr. Sridhar Vaitheswaran 25 th October 2012

2 Syndrome of dementia Cognitive impairment – Memory – Language – Motor skills – Recognition – Executive function/organisational ability Impairment in Activities of Daily Living Present for at least 6 months

3 Assessments Establish syndrome Establish sub-type Rule out other conditions Risk assessment Assess for “behaviour that is challenging” Care needs assessment

4 Establish syndrome History Examination Further investigations – Neuropsychology – Functional assessment by OT

5 Establish subtype Dementia in Alzheimer’s disease Vascular dementia Mixed (Alzheimer’s + Vascular) dementia Dementia in Lewy Body Disease History Examination Investigations – Neuropsychology – Functional neuro- imaging

6 Exclude other conditions Delirium Depression Other organic conditions – Intra-cranial space occupying lesions – Metabolic disorders – Nutritional deficiencies History Examination Further investigations – Structural neuro-imaging (CT/MRI) – Blood tests

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