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A North Texas Missional Greenhouse. A Missional Greenhouse is an environment where a movement of growth and reproduction are anticipated and nurtured.

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Presentation on theme: "A North Texas Missional Greenhouse. A Missional Greenhouse is an environment where a movement of growth and reproduction are anticipated and nurtured."— Presentation transcript:

1 A North Texas Missional Greenhouse

2 A Missional Greenhouse is an environment where a movement of growth and reproduction are anticipated and nurtured

3 Developing a Greenhouse Atmosphere for a Church Planting Movement in Texas

4 A Missional Greenhouse?

5 Mark 4:26-29 A man scatters seed… the seed sprouts and grows…All by itself the soil produces grain… all by itself? …in Greek… automate - literally - automatically - performed by God Himself!

6 A Missional Greenhouse? 1 Corinthians 3:5-6 What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe--as the Lord has assigned to each his task. {6} I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.

7 A Missional Greenhouse? 1 Corinthians 3:7-8 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. {8} The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor.

8 A Missional Greenhouse? Acts 4:4 But many who heard the message believed, and the number of men grew to about five thousand. Acts 9:31 Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.Acts 9:31 Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.

9 A Missional Greenhouse? Acts 16:5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers. 2 Corinthians 10:15-16 …Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our area of activity among you will greatly expand, {16} so that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you.

10 A Missional Greenhouse? Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. John 10:10 I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.John 10:10 I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 1 Timothy 2:3-4 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, {4} who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.1 Timothy 2:3-4 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, {4} who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

11 A Gospel Movement Platzregen A Gospel Movement Platzregen: The gospel is a moving thundershower Luther was taken by references to a "drought of the Word of God" in Israel's worst times of distress, God's most severe affliction on his apostate people. That drought would only be broken when God, sola gratia, sent his "Platzregen," a surprise thunder shower, a cloudburst, to refresh his apostate people with mercy and forgiveness, and thus revive faith and the fruits thereof.

12 A Gospel Movement Platzregen Luther's Gospel-metaphors of "Platzregen" (a sudden rain shower) and "ripples-from-a- stone-cast-into-a-pool" are mission metaphors derivative from the Gospel itself, the prime mover in mission.

13 A Gospel Movement Platzregen Mission happens when God turns on the Gospel rain shower, when God tosses the Gospel-pebble into the water. The rain and the pebble do the "mission work." A major source in Luther's works for such mission theology are his many sermons preached on the Feast of the Ascension, where the assigned lectionary text always was the Markan version of Christ's Ascension.

14 Platzregen At times Luther spoke of the negative side of the Platzregen image, namely, God moving it away from lands where it bore no fruit. One such example is from 1520: "Germany has never before heard so much of God's Gospel as now. There was scant trace of it in our earlier history. But if we let it pass by without thanks and honor, I am afraid that we shall have to suffer plague and grimmer darkness. My dear Germans... make use of God's Word of Grace while it is there. For know this, that the Word of God's grace is like a "Platzregen" (a sweeping thundershower and downpour), which never returns to where it has already been.”

15 A Missional Greenhouse? God is growing His Kingdom of GraceGod is growing His Kingdom of Grace God's plan is for exponential reproduction of believers, groups, churches, and movementsGod's plan is for exponential reproduction of believers, groups, churches, and movements We can plant, water, remove obstacles and fertilize, but God brings about the growth by the power of the Holy SpiritWe can plant, water, remove obstacles and fertilize, but God brings about the growth by the power of the Holy Spirit

16 Why church planting? Churches over 15 years old – 1 Adult convert for every 67 membersChurches over 15 years old – 1 Adult convert for every 67 members Churches 3-15 years old – Ratio is 20:1Churches 3-15 years old – Ratio is 20:1 Churches 0-3 years old – Ratio is 10:1Churches 0-3 years old – Ratio is 10:1 What does this mean?What does this mean?

17 Reframing our thinking "Church parenting is costly, but that cost is an investment, not a loss…church parenting is an investment in the Kingdom. Churches that parent other churches do not lose. “ Phil Stevenson, The Ripple Church

18 Reframing our thinking "Churches that plant churches do not lose money; they invest it into a situation that will result in a net return to the Kingdom" "They do not lose people; they invest them in the work of gathering a harvest."

19 Why new missions now? Our Growing Texas population (400k annual growth) Data from U.S. Census bureau shows 4 of the biggest population gaining areas are in Texas (DFW, Houston, Austin, San Antonio)

20 A Missional Greenhouse? What do growing demographics have to do with it? Why are the people around us -- around us?

21 A Missional Greenhouse? What do growing demographics have to do with it? Or asked another way -- Is the movement of people from one place to another – from one nation to another – from one state to another merely the result of humankind’s efforts to find a better life, flee oppressive governments or seek new economic opportunities?

22 Why the people around us are around us… Acts 17:26-27 26 F rom one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live Acts 17:26-27 26 F rom one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.

23 Why God has done this… 27 God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.

24 The American Church Research Project In 1990, 52 million people attended a Christian church each weekend.

25 The American Church Research Project By 2006, however, 52 million people still attended a Christian church each weekend.

26 The American Church Research Project Meanwhile, by 2006 52 million more people were living in the United States.

27 The American Church Research Project Slightly more Churches Start each Year than Close, but not Enough to Keep up with Population Growth.

28 The American Church Research Project Dallas/Ft. Worth Metro Area 2000 Percentage of the Population Attending a Christian Church on Any Given Weekend

29 North Texas Mission Ripe Hot Spots

30 Joe Pool Lake – North 12.5 sq.miles


32 Cedar Hill – 11.96 sq miles


34 Midlothian – 13.38 sq. miles


36 Irving North/Los Colinas Irving North/Los Colinas 8.42 sq. miles


38 Burleson/Crowley Burleson/Crowley 29.76 sq. miles


40 I-35 east on 20 to 45 south to Lancaster I-35 east on 20 to 45 south to Lancaster 17.30 sq. miles


42 East Arlington East Arlington 8.49 sq. miles


44 Kennendale and East Kennendale and East 23.92 sq. miles


46 North West of Arlington – Bentley Village North West of Arlington – Bentley Village 23.92 sq. miles


48 Parenting Models Daughtering Shared Parenting Satellites/Multi- site Language Group Congregations House Churches Along-side Ethnic Congregations

49 Should Small Churches Plant Churches? When you plant a daughter church, you have multiplied yourself and are reaching twice as many people.When you plant a daughter church, you have multiplied yourself and are reaching twice as many people. Think of the joy you receive by watching God bless your children. Think of the joy you receive by watching God bless your children. Think of the joy you will have watching God bless your daughter churches. Think of the joy you will have watching God bless your daughter churches. Our LCMS history has small churches planting other churches from the earliest timesOur LCMS history has small churches planting other churches from the earliest times

50 How Your Mission and Ministry Facilitator Can Help Come along side mission focused pastors and leaders to share the vision of church planting by congregations or partnerships of congregationsCome along side mission focused pastors and leaders to share the vision of church planting by congregations or partnerships of congregations Help potential planting congregations or partnerships study the demographics of potential targeted communities using tools from Mission InsightHelp potential planting congregations or partnerships study the demographics of potential targeted communities using tools from Mission Insight Help potential planting congregations ask the right questionsHelp potential planting congregations ask the right questions

51 …the Right Questions? 1.Do you and your people have a burden for lost people? 2.Has your congregation shown a willingness to step out in faith? 3.Do you have a vision for your community and region? 4.Has your congregation practiced a generous spirit? 5.Are you willing to risk?

52 …the Right Questions? 6.Does your congregation have a genuine kingdom mindset? 7.Are you willing to invest resources (people, finances) outside the walls of your local church? 8.Why do you want to plant a church? 9.Who do you want to reach? 10.Who are the people in the area?

53 …the Right Questions? 11.What is the growth potential in the area? 12.What Ministry DNA from your present ministry do you want to carry over to a Mission? What Ministry DNA would be better left behind? 13.How are you asking people to pray about this?

54 …the Right Questions? 14.How do we work toward finding the right person (mission planter)? 15.How do we make sure we have the right place? 16.How do we make sure we have the right plan in place?

55 Once you are moving toward planting, MMF will… Work with the planting congregation or partners in designing a Mission PlanWork with the planting congregation or partners in designing a Mission Plan Pray for and with the planting congregation and partnersPray for and with the planting congregation and partners Connect planting congregation or partners to appropriate resources (print, media, real people and mission starts) which will be helpfulConnect planting congregation or partners to appropriate resources (print, media, real people and mission starts) which will be helpful Help congregation locate appropriate planter candidatesHelp congregation locate appropriate planter candidates

56 Once you are moving toward planting, MMF will… Meet regularly with leaders as they revise and finalize their Mission PlanMeet regularly with leaders as they revise and finalize their Mission Plan Sign-off on the Mission Plan (Right Person, Right Place, Right Plan)Sign-off on the Mission Plan (Right Person, Right Place, Right Plan) Walk with the planting group as they apply for funding with the Texas.Walk with the planting group as they apply for funding with the Texas. Function as advocate to the Board of Mission AdministrationFunction as advocate to the Board of Mission Administration

57 Once Mission Plan is approved, and planter is in place, MMF will… Meet regularly with Mission Planter and leadership coreMeet regularly with Mission Planter and leadership core Help connect Mission Planter to a mentor/coachHelp connect Mission Planter to a mentor/coach Monitor growth, (spiritual health, numerical growth, community impact) as appropriateMonitor growth, (spiritual health, numerical growth, community impact) as appropriate Help facilitate charter process when time is rightHelp facilitate charter process when time is right

58 Once Mission Plan is approved, MMF will… Help new Mission Plant already begin thinking about when they will be ready to plant!Help new Mission Plant already begin thinking about when they will be ready to plant! Continue to work with originating planting congregation or partnership on their own spiritual vitality as well as help they plan for their next opportunity to plant!Continue to work with originating planting congregation or partnership on their own spiritual vitality as well as help they plan for their next opportunity to plant!

59 Texas District Will Provide… Cost for screening potential mission plantersCost for screening potential mission planters Cost for training mission planterCost for training mission planter ½ cost for mentor/coach (ca. $5,000)½ cost for mentor/coach (ca. $5,000) Assistance of Mission and Ministry FacilitatorAssistance of Mission and Ministry Facilitator Ministry Area Profile (demographic report) for target areaMinistry Area Profile (demographic report) for target area

60 Texas District Will Provide… FinancesFinances –Plan A Up to $200,000 repayable funds Interest freeInterest free Repay 100% over 20 yearsRepay 100% over 20 years –Plan B (usually for International start) Up to $100,000Up to $100,000 Interest freeInterest free Repay 50% over 20 yearsRepay 50% over 20 years

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