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Engaging Faculty in the Visit Process Kyle Moore.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Faculty in the Visit Process Kyle Moore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Faculty in the Visit Process Kyle Moore

2 The Process In the Begining Implementing Evaluating

3 Begining The Process Identify the needs of: –Your visitor –Your faculty –You Identify a model Identify your allies

4 Needs of your visitor Take information from your current survey Amend your current survey Send an additional survey

5 Needs of Your Faculty What is their feedback What are there complaints What are their comments of your program Who is constructive

6 Your Needs Why do you want faculty involved What will this do for you What is the most efficient way to facilitate/coordinate

7 Do Research “Bomb-proofing” your proposal –Do your research –Be proactive in answering the tough questions before they are asked –Let them know you have included their feedback in your model

8 Implementation Student Awareness –You may want to create awareness of this option… …and what it entales –counselors Faculty Awareness –Make sure there is no way it can catch someone “offgard” –“key players”

9 Implementation Set a start date Remind often Assurance it will be of benefit to them

10 Faculty Awareness Begins with buy-in –Let them offer suggestions to your plan –Don’t give them open reign to critique or create –Create a sense of meeting their needs –This is a “good thing” for them

11 Faculty Awareness Hold a meeting –Invite key players –Conservative timeframe –Show appreciation for what they do –THIS IS FOR THE STUDENTS!

12 Faculty Awareness Give them more information than they need Use the power of their colleagues Beta test your model

13 Evaluating the Process Review and adjust – don’t gripe and discard Ongoing process Request input

14 Evaluating the Process PROVIDE FEEDBACK –Show them you have addressed their issues –Show them student feedback Both good and bad –Feedback is always good

15 WTAMU Results Under our new model –78% decrease in upset faculty calls/emails –43% decrease in below average ratings from student –60% increase in above average rating from students –67% increase in faculty approval of program

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