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Lost and found box bag eraser tapes wallet watch gloves Lingling’s Daming’sTony’s Betty ’s Ms Li’s crayons retell( 复述 ) the dialogue according to the form.

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Presentation on theme: "Lost and found box bag eraser tapes wallet watch gloves Lingling’s Daming’sTony’s Betty ’s Ms Li’s crayons retell( 复述 ) the dialogue according to the form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lost and found box bag eraser tapes wallet watch gloves Lingling’s Daming’sTony’s Betty ’s Ms Li’s crayons retell( 复述 ) the dialogue according to the form Ms Li has a lost and found box. There are …. in it. Whose are these? The crayons are …. The tapes are.... I think everyone should be …. with their own things from now on.

2 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 2 Are they yours? 目标:理解并能介绍纽约失物招领处

3 phone 3.lost and found office a hurry 5.leave / left 7.why 8.airport 9.hundreds of 10.look for 11.thousand 12.strange 13.sausage 1. 相机 2. 手机 3. 失物招领处 4. 匆匆忙忙 5. 丢下,遗忘 6. 出租车 7. 为什么 8. 机场 9. 成百上千,几百 10. 寻找 11. 千 12. 奇怪的 13. 香肠

4 Look at the pictures and talk about them A man is talking to a woman at the lost and found office. He’s looking for his __________. A man is getting on the bus. His ___________ is lost. camera mobile phone Complete the sentences with correct words and expressions

5 Read and answer the question What is the passage about? It’s about an introduction of the Lost and Found Office in New York City.

6 B. Read Para.1 and answer the questions. 1. When do people often lose things? 2. Why are there lost and found offices at airports and stations? When they are travelling or when they’re in a hurry. Because people often leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis.

7 3. What do people do at the lost and found office? 4. What strange things are there at the New York City Lost and Found Office? They look for things they have lost. A large boat, three dogs, two ducks, a pig and fifteen kilos of sausages. c.Read Para.2 & 3 and answer the questions.

8 Read and find out numbers. ___________ people ___________ mobile phones ___________ cameras ___________ bikes ___________ boat ___________ dogs ___________ ducks ___________ pig ___________ sausages hundreds of two thousand one thousand one hundred one large three two a fifteen kilos of

9 Introduce the Lost and Found Office in New York Welcome to the New York Lost and Found Office in New York. 1.When…? 2.Why … ? 3. What is … like? What’s in…? It’s …. Hundreds of people… They are looking for … We usually have … There are also some strange things…There are about… This week, there are …

10 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions from the box. airport hundreds of large lose sausage station strange People in a hurry often _________ things, and there are ___________ things at lost and found offices at _________ and ________. At the New York City Lost and Found Office, there are also some very _________ things. There are fifteen kilos of ________--- are they yours? And how do you lose a ________ boat on the train? lose hundreds of airportsstations strange sausages large

11 翻译句子 1. 人们经常在旅行的时候丢东西。 ______________________ when they are traveling. 2. 他们把东西落在飞机上、火车上、公共汽车和出租 车上。 __________________________ on trains, _______________________. 3. 每天有成百上千人来到这里。 ______________________________________ 4. 他们在寻找他们的手机、相机、手表和许多其他的东西。 ____________________ their phones, _____________ computers and many other things. Exercises People often lose things They leave things on planes Hundreds of people come here every day. cameras,watches, on buses and in taxis They’re looking for

12 1.Remember the key words and sentences 2. Read the passage fluently and practice retelling it 3. Get something ready for writing the lost and found notes.

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