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2012-2013 Game Plan. Comparison: Minneola (512)/Our neighbor(549) Reading (3 or higher) 69% Reading gains 70% Lower quartile reading gains……62% Math (3.

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Presentation on theme: "2012-2013 Game Plan. Comparison: Minneola (512)/Our neighbor(549) Reading (3 or higher) 69% Reading gains 70% Lower quartile reading gains……62% Math (3."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012-2013 Game Plan

2 Comparison: Minneola (512)/Our neighbor(549) Reading (3 or higher) 69% Reading gains 70% Lower quartile reading gains……62% Math (3 or higher) 58% Math gains 63% Lower quartile math gains…58% Science (3 or higher) 50% Writing (3 or higher) 82% Reading (3 or higher) 70% Reading gains 69% Lower quartile reading gains…60% Math (3 or higher) 66% Math gains 73% Lower quartile math gains…68% Science (3 or higher) 57% Writing (3 or higher) 86%

3 Plan of Attack We must come together as a TEAM…everyone with the same focus…student achievement/meeting the needs of ALL students. Common Core Implementation Time on task must increase Work on collaborative classrooms…project based Math manipulative usage must increase…Math Manipulative block Planning: lessons according to needs of students/find out what students already know/what they don’t know Learning styles

4 GOING GREEN… Our school website will be main mode of communication Field trip permission slips will be sent home one time, additional copies can be obtained on webpage (link) Teacher WebPages Electronic newsletter quarterly Monthly calendar first school day of the month-link on webpage Facebook Fanpage/Twitter for Minneola Elementary 15000 copies for the year/2400 RISO copies

5 Technology We need to prepare students to function in a global society. That being said technology MUST be incorporated within the classroom. Plan of attack: Needs assessment Training Volunteers to act as technology centered classrooms Utilize the technology we have: make sure working and being utilized Build email distribution lists for school/classroom

6 GRADING POLICY A Behavior/Effort rubric has been designed for each grade-level and will be sent home to parents and then placed on the webpage. Late assignments: parent contact is to be made day 1 of a late graded assignment, I percent per day may be deducted from the grade for each day it is late. Assignment must be received within the 9 weeks it was assigned (teacher discretion if shorter). Grade-level must agree on grade-level projects. If any grade assignment is not turned in it becomes an “I” for incomplete. No extra credit/bonus points unless it is tied to a benchmark. No zero for cheating-different assignment, consequence and parent contact Attendance is not to be a part of any grade Forgetting name on paper can only have a maximum deduction of three percentage points per assignment. All grades will be an average A 50 will be given at the end of the nine weeks for any F grades. During the nine weeks if an assignment was never turned in the grade will be an I for incomplete (this includes ELL/ESE) Please remember there are always extenuating circumstances, the key is parent communication. Please see and administrator if you have questions. Homework is NOT to be graded, to include for participation

7 SECURITY AUDIT ITEMS Safety plan Yellow poster in each room Code of conduct (documentation in lesson plans) page 5 Supervision of students page 6 Attendance page 7 Bullying page 8 cell phones/electronic devices page 9 dress code (amended policy-insert) page 9/10 harrassment

8 Code of Conduct continued page 10/11 Medication page 11/12 Technology page 12 Zone waiver, Administrative placement page 13 Loss of privileges, Drug testing page 14 Search, Seizure, Detainment, Substance abuse, suspension page 15 Tobacco violation page 15-21 Leveled Infractions

9 New Infractions Added page 15 Energy Products page 16 Forgery pages 8 and 17 Dating and Violence page 17 Extortion page 18 Retaliation page 20 Hazing Insert page Sexting

10 Security Audit Items continued All personnel must report to administration any suspected unlawful use, possession, or sale by a student of any controlled substance. Process to determine placement of a student when a teacher withholds consent to the return of a student to the teacher’s class. Staff and students are aware of the safety hotline number (back cover of Code of Conduct) Documented in lesson plans All visitors must report to the office-we must all be vigilant

11 Guidance Mrs. Salazar Mandated reporting Suicide Alcohol Violence Bullying Other items related to Guidance

12 PBS: Positive Behavior Support PBS Chair: Michelle Clinger

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