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Do Now 1. Put your HW on your DESK. 2. Copy your homework for tonight: Edit/Revise Paper – PRINTED, TYPED Second Draft Due Tomorrow 3. Grab a table tent.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 1. Put your HW on your DESK. 2. Copy your homework for tonight: Edit/Revise Paper – PRINTED, TYPED Second Draft Due Tomorrow 3. Grab a table tent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 1. Put your HW on your DESK. 2. Copy your homework for tonight: Edit/Revise Paper – PRINTED, TYPED Second Draft Due Tomorrow 3. Grab a table tent if your HW is incomplete. 4. Quietly begin your Do Now.

2 Objectives 0 Identify the correct use of a dash in a text and compose original sentences using dashes. 0 Create a vocab square for the collegiate word of the day: Magnate. 0 Use track changes to edit a peer’s research paper.

3 Agenda (10) Do Now - Dashes (10) Mini-Lesson: Dashes (5) Collegiate Word of the Day (30) Research Papers 0 Revise 0 Track Changes: Editing for the Future 0 Peer Editing (10) Exit Ticket

4 Exit Ticket Results ClassAverageCompared to Previous Day WU – Period 361%- 1% WU – Period 463%+ 4% HARVEY – Period 2 HARVEY – Period 3 HARVEY – Period 4 HARVEY – Period 5

5 Dash: 0 Rule 1: Dashes are used to set off or emphasize the content enclosed within dashes or the content that follows a dash. Dashes place more emphasis on this content than parentheses or colons. 0 Rule 2: Use a dash to set off an appositive phrase that already includes commas. 0 Rule 3: A dash or colon has more emphatic force than a comma.

6 Create Your Own In the rough draft of your paper, compose three sentences using a dash. You can create a sentence with a list, an explanation, OR by introducing a quote using an independent clause.

7 Collegiate Word of the Day: MAGNATE 0 Part of Speech: noun 0 Definition: an important, often wealthy, person prominent in a large industry or business. 0 Antonyms: employee, worker, servant 0 Synonyms: tycoon, mogul, entrepreneur,, industrialist 0 Other Forms: magnates (pl)

8 Magnate is NOT

9 Magnate in Action: 0 Bill Gates is considered a magnate in the computer software industry. 0 The magnates of the NBA met to discuss the labor agreement with the players.

10 Which usage is correct? 0 The magnate worked all day in the factory to make just enough to get by. 0 The magnate caused the two metal objects to attract one another. 0 The banking magnates met to discuss what to do about the big recession the country was in.

11 Vocab Squares 0 Complete the rest of your vocab square, making sure to write an original (new) sentence and draw a visual to remind you of the word definition!

12 Revision 0 Take out your peer checklist from yesterday. 0 Upload your research paper on the computer. 0 Take 10 minutes to independently fix anything you need to in terms of structure and citations. 0 Cover Page 0 Works Cited Page 0 Citations/Quotations

13 Track Changes on Microsoft Word 0 Why are we learning how to use track changes? 0 This will save you time. 0 Your professors will use it in college. 0 Multiple people can edit a paper and debate edits. 0 You can always check your previous edits (Word keeps a running history of the edits that you have made.)

14 Peer Editing 1. Switch computers with a peer. 2. Using track changes, you will edit their paper. Use the cheat sheet given to you to check the following: 0 Make sure there is a cover page and that it is formatted correctly. 0 Make sure there is an outline with a clear thesis statement at the top. 0 Make sure that the first page of the research paper has a header and the student’s name & page number in the upper right corner. 0 Go through the essay looking for the following to make changes on: 0 Pointing out missing citations or citation errors 0 Fixing quotation errors 0 Correcting mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and spelling 0 Correcting sentence fragments or run-on sentences 0 Rephrasing awkward sounding sentences. 0 Deleting redundant or irrelevant material. 0 Lastly, make sure the Works Cited page is properly formatted with at least 8 sources (2 non-internet sources) in alphabetical order.

15 Exit Ticket 0 Once you’ve completed your exit ticket you may take out your SSR book. 0 Hand in your exit ticket when the bell rings. 0 Tonight’s Homework: Bring a PRINTED, TYPED copy of your second draft (including cover page, outline, and works cited)

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