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Tripartite meeting Japan, Tokyo, 20 – 21 September 2007 Agenda item 3.5 Ballast Tank Coatings Andy Alderson Manager, Technical Excellence Centre, RINA.

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Presentation on theme: "Tripartite meeting Japan, Tokyo, 20 – 21 September 2007 Agenda item 3.5 Ballast Tank Coatings Andy Alderson Manager, Technical Excellence Centre, RINA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tripartite meeting Japan, Tokyo, 20 – 21 September 2007 Agenda item 3.5 Ballast Tank Coatings Andy Alderson Manager, Technical Excellence Centre, RINA Chairman IACS EG/Coating Chairman JWG/Coating Chairman JWG/COTCPS

2 JWG/Coatings Background: – PSPC Adopted at MSC 82 – PSPC Applicable to CSR vessels from Date of Adoption – Practical Guidance felt required for application of PSPC – JWG/Coatings established first meeting in Busan 22-24 th May 2006 – JWG comprises Class, Owners, Shipbuilders & Coating Manufacturers


4 JWG/Coating Terms of Reference The JWG/Coating is a forum to develop and unanimously agree, an industry best practice document for the uniform application of IMO PSPC covering areas outside the scope of PR 34. The exact contents to be discussed and agreed by the JWG but would be expected to include: – The contents of tripartite agreement between owners, builders and paint manufacturers as required in PSPC 3.2. – Minimum scope of inspection and practical guidance for the qualified inspector. – Scope, format and content of the Coating Technical File. – Clarification of acceptable equivalences where permitted in the PSPC. – Interpretations not within the scope of PR34. The JWG/Coating does not have the remit to discuss any changes to the requirements or reference standards of the PSPC. Outcomes that constitute interpretations of the PSPC will be submitted to IMO for consideration, if found necessary.

5 JWG/Coating Method of Work In order to meet its terms of reference the group worked on the following principle. – Any organisation could raise an item where it felt clarification was needed and propose the wording. – It was discussed by the group to better understand the issue. – If no objections then the guidance was included.

6 JWG/Coating Progress to Date – Final Guideline Document Agreed. – Items to be referred to IMO identified. Two items identified however these are not new items and have been some of the main areas of debate since the beginning.

7 JWG/Coating Clarification Items for IMO – Stripe coats shall be applied by brush or roller. Roller to be used for scallops, ratholes, etc., only This is a problem that was raised in numerous discussions in IMO and has the following interpretations by different members of the group, either; – Stripe coating can be done using a brush or a roller, in ratholes scallops etc a roller must be used not a brush. or – Stripe coating can be done by brush or roller, a roller may only be used in ratholes, scallops etc.

8 JWG/Coating Clarification Items for IMO This is another area where the wording in the standard causes confusion. As currently written there are two views on the wording : – The conductivity of total soluble salts are measured, and compared with the conductivity of 50mg NaCl. If the measured conductivity is lower then it is acceptable. – The total soluble salts are measured, and then the quantity of NaCl in that sample is calculated using conversion factor based upon experience of the shipyard. This result should be less than 50mg NaCl. Water soluble salt limit equivalent to NaCl  50 mg/m2 of sodium chloride

9 JWG/Coating Work Remaining The view of the JWG is that this document should be submitted to IMO as soon as possible in order to aid implementation and that it should be as an INF document so that the JWG can revise in the future in light of experience. – Obtain agreement of member organisations to co-sponsor submission to IMO as INF paper. – Submission to IMO regarding items for clarification.

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