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Byzantine Empire. Table of Contents - Rome 1. World Geography 2. Map of Rome 3. Romulus and Remus 4. Roman Vocabulary 5. Rise of Rome Cornell Notes 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Byzantine Empire. Table of Contents - Rome 1. World Geography 2. Map of Rome 3. Romulus and Remus 4. Roman Vocabulary 5. Rise of Rome Cornell Notes 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Byzantine Empire

2 Table of Contents - Rome 1. World Geography 2. Map of Rome 3. Romulus and Remus 4. Roman Vocabulary 5. Rise of Rome Cornell Notes 6. Successors of Augustus 7. Fall of Rome Brainpop 8. 3 Causes of the Fall of Rome 9. Byzantine Notes 10. Rome Study Guide

3 Byzantine Empire Notes Emperor Justinian Constantinople Government Eastern Orthodox Church

4 Location

5 Constantinople The capital of the Byzantine Empire The capital of the Byzantine Empire Rebuilt by Emperor Constantine in the Roman style Rebuilt by Emperor Constantine in the Roman style Strategic location made it easy to defend Strategic location made it easy to defend Connected land & water trade routes between Europe & Asia which made the city and some of its inhabitants incredibly rich! Connected land & water trade routes between Europe & Asia which made the city and some of its inhabitants incredibly rich!

6 Life in Constantinople More advanced than Rome! More advanced than Rome! Hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, and unemployment programs helped the less fortunate Hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, and unemployment programs helped the less fortunate People attended chariot races at the Hippodrome—the Blues & Greens were rivals. People attended chariot races at the Hippodrome—the Blues & Greens were rivals.

7 Emperor Justinian I One of the greatest Byzantine rulers! He ruled from 527-565 AD One of the greatest Byzantine rulers! He ruled from 527-565 AD He beautified Constantinople by building new bridges, public baths, parks, roads, hospitals and many Christian churches. He beautified Constantinople by building new bridges, public baths, parks, roads, hospitals and many Christian churches. He tried to reconquer & reunite the former Roman Empire. He tried to reconquer & reunite the former Roman Empire.

8 Justinian’s Passions Justinian was dedicated to… Justinian was dedicated to… 1. Reuniting the Roman Empire – he conquered much of the old Western Roman Empire, but future leaders could not hold on to it. 2. Enforcing Byzantine laws – he created a new set of laws called the Justinian Code. 3. The church – he declared himself head of the Christian church in the Byzantine Empire

9 Nika Riots January 532, a massive riot broke out in the Hippodrome during a chariot race. January 532, a massive riot broke out in the Hippodrome during a chariot race. The rioters protested the arrest of some of their team members. The rioters protested the arrest of some of their team members. Emperor Justinian & his wife, Theodora, hid in the palace while the city was in flames. Emperor Justinian & his wife, Theodora, hid in the palace while the city was in flames. Justinian’s advisors urged him to flee the city. Justinian’s advisors urged him to flee the city.

10 Empress Theodora

11 Theodora’s Advice “As to the belief that a woman should not be daring among men or assert herself boldly, I consider the present crisis does not allow us to debate that. My opinion is that now is a poor time for flight, even though it bring safety.... If now you wish to go, Emperor, nothing prevents you. There is the sea, there are the steps to the boats. But take care that after you are safe, you do not find that you would gladly exchange that safety for death. For my part, I like the old saying that “The Empire is fine burial cloth.”” as recorded by Procopius, c. 550 “As to the belief that a woman should not be daring among men or assert herself boldly, I consider the present crisis does not allow us to debate that. My opinion is that now is a poor time for flight, even though it bring safety.... If now you wish to go, Emperor, nothing prevents you. There is the sea, there are the steps to the boats. But take care that after you are safe, you do not find that you would gladly exchange that safety for death. For my part, I like the old saying that “The Empire is fine burial cloth.”” as recorded by Procopius, c. 550 What should Justinian do? What should Justinian do?

12 Result of the Nika Riots Justinian called out his army and put down the riots. Justinian called out his army and put down the riots. 30,000 rioters were killed and Constantinople lay in ruins. 30,000 rioters were killed and Constantinople lay in ruins. Justinian made reforms including; rebuilding and improving Constantinople, reforming the legal code, and giving women the right to own property and get an education. Justinian made reforms including; rebuilding and improving Constantinople, reforming the legal code, and giving women the right to own property and get an education.

13 Hagia Sophia A magnificent Byzantine church built by Emperor Justinian, today it is one of the most famous buildings in the world! A magnificent Byzantine church built by Emperor Justinian, today it is one of the most famous buildings in the world! “Glory to God who has judged me worthy of accomplishing such a work as this! O Solomon, I have Outdone you!” “Glory to God who has judged me worthy of accomplishing such a work as this! O Solomon, I have Outdone you!” --Emp. Justinian


15 Justinian’s Code Justinian organized a committee of legal experts to organize and update the laws based on Christian beliefs and Roman laws. Justinian organized a committee of legal experts to organize and update the laws based on Christian beliefs and Roman laws. The new legal code is known as Justinian’s Code. It guaranteed fair treatment for all and became the basis for many legal codes in the western world. The new legal code is known as Justinian’s Code. It guaranteed fair treatment for all and became the basis for many legal codes in the western world.

16 Romans vs. Byzantines Western Roman Empire Western Roman Empire -Popes & Bishops led the church and the Emperor led the government. -Latin was the main language. -Economy based on agriculture and fewer cities Byzantine Empire (East) -The emperor was more powerful because he was the head of the Church and the government. -Greek was the main language and culture -Economy based on trade, many cities and wealthier Byzantine Empire (East) -The emperor was more powerful because he was the head of the Church and the government. -Greek was the main language and culture -Economy based on trade, many cities and wealthier

17 Christianity The main religion of both empires. The main religion of both empires. Mosaics, pictures made with small pieces of colored stone, tile or glass, were popular decorations for churches and public buildings. Mosaics, pictures made with small pieces of colored stone, tile or glass, were popular decorations for churches and public buildings. The Great Schism in 1054 AD, was the first major split in Christianity. The Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholic churches officially divided. Differences included the use of icons, celibacy of priests, language and leadership. The Great Schism in 1054 AD, was the first major split in Christianity. The Eastern Orthodox and the Roman Catholic churches officially divided. Differences included the use of icons, celibacy of priests, language and leadership.

18 Conquest of the Byzantine Empire 1453 AD the Ottoman Turks, a Muslim Empire, captured Constantinople and defeated the empire. 1453 AD the Ottoman Turks, a Muslim Empire, captured Constantinople and defeated the empire. The Turks renamed the city, Istanbul, and it became primarily Muslim. The Turks renamed the city, Istanbul, and it became primarily Muslim.

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