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By: Monica G., Tina P., Brittany O., and Danielle P.

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2 By: Monica G., Tina P., Brittany O., and Danielle P.

3 Animal testing is the testing of products on animals. The animal is forced to have products and product ingredients put on it’s skin or other body part, inhale fumes, and other tests of that sort. What is Vivisection? Vivisection is live dissection. The meaning has been changed, though, so it includes animal testing, animal experimentation, and other forms of dissection.

4 To help prevent animal testing, do not buy products from companies that test their items on animals. List of companies that test their products on animals: ~Del Laboratories ~Allergan, Inc. ~Arm & Hammer ~Benckiser ~Block Drug Co., Inc. ~Boyle-Midway ~Bristol- Myers Squibb Co. ~ Calvin Klein Cosmetics ~AND MANY MANY MORE!

5 On the following pages will be examples of what “scientists” have done to animals.

6 Britches was a baby macaque monkey. Some heartless "scientists" wanted to know what happens when a baby grows up without sight and then regains it later. So they sewed Britches' eyes shut. Britches was liberated by the Animal Liberation Front and leads a decent life in a shelter. This unfortunate bunny had the bad luck to become part of a skin toxicity test. There are a lot of companies who don't test their products on animals.

7 This is a monkey that was intentionally infected with syphilis. Shelves of embalmed cats are stored at Carolina Biological Supply Company, Burlington. PETA investigators witnessed animals being embalmed while still alive.

8 This little gal, Geraldine, has an electrical connector for an implanted electrode installed on her forehead. The wires run through her head, down her throat, and into her stomach. Geraldine was liberated by the Animal Liberation Front. This pitiful animal had to be killed after the two heads kept attacking each other. ARRS Administrator Note: A lot of skeptical mail has been received about this photo. It is not a fraud. There is a long history of such "research".

9 We think that animal testing is bad and should not be continued. Animal testing should be done on smaller organisms. Then, if they were done on smaller organisms, animals would not be hurt. Even mice, they have to complete the dumbest tests and mazes and they end up dying anyway. All of the animals hate living in steel cages and want to be set free. Why should animals be treated that way? All of us would probably risk our lives for that, rather than watching those poor animals suffer. Animals have feelings too! Those “scientists” should not have the right to take animals from their homes just so they could die. I’m sure animals try to escape from the people that hurt them. I could just imagine the pain the animals go through when the people try to keep them from escaping. The “scientists” probably don’t even care and put them through so much pain.

10 Unfortunately, there are some reasons why animals testing is good. There are many pros to animal testing. Sometimes it will put an animal through lots of pain, but it can save human lives. Scientists will inject a lab animal with a virus like AIDS or cancer, then try to cure them and if it works, they will have developed a new cure for whatever it was that the animal was injected with. Animal testing can not only save the lives of humans, but other animals too. If we did not have medical animal many lives would be lost. Animal testing plays a big role in trying to find cures for certain diseases. Animal Testing plays a big role in today's economy and if we did not have it many people would lose their jobs, and lives.

11 There are also many cons to animal testing. Some are very sad, but it happens anyway. Sometimes its like wasting the life of an animal. If the animal won't take up the virus they will kill it just to get rid of it. 2.7 million lab animals die each year in Britain alone, and hundreds of them are used just for their tissue. The people doing this are wasting animal lives, and even if the animal does take up the virus if the people's cure does not work the animal will still die.

12 Animal testing is when people test their products on animals. We think that this should be stopped. Also, vivisection should not be done, either. Since animals have feelings, we do not think that it is fair to them. They should be treated just as fair as we are. There are several pros and cons to this task. Animal testing is a way that people find cures to diseases, but it is bad because if the experiment does not work, then the animal will die. People use animals instead of humans because there are not enough people to go around or willing to be vivisected upon. Also, animals have similar organs to use with similar functions. All in all, we are very upset with the idea of animal testing, altogether.

13 Example Info.: Pros & Cons Info.: http://ls- Philp/fifthgrade/webpages/5H/apltesting.htm

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