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Honors English I Vocabulary

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1 Honors English I Vocabulary
Lesson 13: The root –CUR-

2 -CUR- Derived from the Latin verb currere, meaning “to run,” many English words use this root.

3 Concurrent (adjective)Occurring at the same time; simultaneous.
Example: Often times in Honors English, students must juggle several assignments concurrently.

4 Courier (noun) A messenger, typically one involved in a diplomatic transaction. Example: In Harry Potter’s magical world, owls are couriers of information.

5 Cursory (adjective) a. Hasty b. Not thorough Example: Because Jim only gave a cursory look at the question, he chose the wrong answer.

6 discursive (adjective)
a. Rambling; digressive. b. Covering a wide range of subjects. Example: The student’s discursive essay had good points, but it was difficult to follow.

7 Incur (trans verb) a. To bring something upon oneself; become subject to. Example: Because she snuck out, took the car, and came home late, Jenny incurred many consequences.

8 incursion (trans verb)
a. An attack on or an invasion of enemy territory; a raid. b. An act of entering another’s territory or domain. Example: Due to Mike’s little sister’s frequent incursions on his room, he purchased a lock for his door.

9 Precursor (noun) Something or someone that precedes something else; a forerunner. Example: Batman Begins is the precursor to The Dark Night.

10 Recourse (noun) a. A turning to someone or something for aid or support. b. A source of help or strength. Example: People often find recourse during difficult times in their loved ones.

11 Recurrent (adjective) Happening repeatedly; occurring over and over.
Example: The recurrent symbol in the novel led to its strong theme.

12 succor (noun) Help in time of distress.
(trans verb) To give aid or comfort in time of distress. Example: Florence Nightingale, the founder of the nursing profession, provided succor to soldiers wounded in the Crimean War ( ).

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