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Computer Vision Michael Isard and Dimitris Metaxas.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Vision Michael Isard and Dimitris Metaxas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Vision Michael Isard and Dimitris Metaxas

2 Some Leading Questions Shape and Motion Analysis based on Images –Scene based and Object based approaches Coupling of low level shape/motion parameters with their semantic interpretation

3 Scene-based Approaches No need for explicit models Used for camera calibration, pose estimation or image stabilization Use rigid scene assumptions or optic flow, no use of object shape A lot of progress has been done already Limited when multiple motions occur

4 Object-based analysis Used for accurate shape/motion analysis and for robustness Coupling of shape and motion models Need good shape models –Success with simple shapes, eg. Manmade objects, humans with tight clothes, jointed structures

5 Object-based analysis Need good shape models –How do we model humans wearing clothes? –Stability and robustness of shape representation –what is the correct scale for shape representation –2D or 3D shape?

6 Shape and Motion How important is shape for motion? –Facial and Human tracking shape is necessary. –Occlusion and lighting changes

7 Shading and Motion One of the still unsolved problems –Most methods still assume optical flow assumption –how to filter out lighting effects? –Relfections? –Multiple lights?

8 Grouping and Initialization Most methods assume manual initialization: Where do you place your model? Based on a single image while it may be best based on multiple images Related to segmentation and grouping methods as well to higher level knowledge

9 Grouping and Initialization 2D information and view-based or appearance based methods mostly No need necessarily to be based on 3D shape which is very costly no general algorithms despite some generic methods Need to address: Light, occlusion, texture, grouping of parts for articulated objects

10 Segmentation The grouping and assignment of features to an object or parts of an object Still the bottleneck in most vision algorithms Initially based on heuristics Recently we have realized that statistical methods are superior eg Markov Random Fields

11 Experimental 1 Original Image (MRI Lung data)

12 The Gibbs filter Estimation of Boundary

13 Deformable model fitting

14 Redo Gibbs Estimation

15 Cycling Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3

16 Visible Human Data Original MRI image of Eyeball and Muscle in Human Head Eye-ballMuscle

17 Image Acquisition for 3D Motion Information Possible tag motion in image plane Tag plane (dark) and image plane orientation Representative images

18 Statistics and Learning Learning methods for statistical methods are more robust than intuitive statistics Influenced by success in other fields like speech recognition However the problem is 4D and there is no explicit ordering within the signal

19 Statistics and Learning Learning is a limitation since it depends on many examples Need new methods to approximate the distributions on appearance of natural scenes to reduce the complexity of the problem Need to still be able to discriminate objects

20 Statistics and Learning How do we develop statistical methods for coupling the low level shape/motion parametes with their semantic interpretation?

21 Multiple Scales Shape and motion identification is dependent on the scale at which we do the processing Recognize gross shape of an object Recognize human intent Recognition of human motion

22 Multiple Scales How do scales interact? Need some kind of statistical theory that takes into account multiple scales

23 Ligthing Still an open problem Most algorithms use aLambertian model How do we cancel lighting artifacts, shadows, reflections, color constancy shape from shading

24 Multiple Cues How do we integrate multiple cues? –Optical flow, edges, features? –No principled theory –Need some theory to selectively use the right cues in a local fashion –Need more research on understanding the robustness of each of these cues –Need to get robustness by combining cues

25 Summary Have gone a long way compared to the 70s and 80s. But still the working algorithms deal with simple shapes, lighting conditions and are domain specific Need research in all dimensions and also especially on theories that will span a wide variety of objects/motions

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