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Visualization Techniques for Improving Public Understanding of Catastrophic Events Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Derek Irby, Song Zhang, and Robert Moorhead {jean,

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Presentation on theme: "Visualization Techniques for Improving Public Understanding of Catastrophic Events Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Derek Irby, Song Zhang, and Robert Moorhead {jean,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualization Techniques for Improving Public Understanding of Catastrophic Events Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Derek Irby, Song Zhang, and Robert Moorhead {jean, derek, szhang, rjm}

2 Project Overview Multiple Datasets Rainfall and Accumulation 3D Terrain Sea Surface Height/Flow/Temperature Watershed Boundaries Wind Speed and Direction Multiple Vis Techniques 2D & 3D Surfaces Contour Lines Directional Glyphs Coloring Blending Lighting Blending Texturing Particle Systems How do we visualize data is such a way that the information is easily understood, and provides an accurate spatial depiction of the threat? What information from which datasets should be displayed? What are the best visualization techniques to combine to display the desired data? How do you combine data in a single visualization when there are discrepancies between various datasets?

3 Storm Surge Flooding Uses a 3D surface created from the USGS 7.5 min DEMs to visualize the terrain and a 2D plane with adjustable height to indicate surge height. Visualization Example: Flooding in Bay St. Louis

4 Storm Surge Flooding Bay St. Louis - August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina caused a maximum surge of 26 to 28 feet near Bay St. Louis. At 26 feet, Bay St. Louis is completely submersed.




8 Rainfall Over Mississippi Uses a 3D surface to indicate rainfall, where rain totals for each time step are mapped to the surface height. County lines are drawn to give the user spatial orientation. This visualization can be view in an immersive display or on a desktop. Visualization Example: February 14, 2004 rain over Mississippi

9 Rainfall over Mississippi February 14, 2004




13 This 2D visualization was created by blending a grayscale height image and a rainbow colormapped flow image to create a single image viewable in any image viewer. Visualization Example: Gulf of Mexico Surface - August 25, 2005 Before Hurricane Katrina makes landfall. Gulf of Mexico Sea Surface Height and Flow

14 This 2D visualization was created by blending a grayscale height image and a rainbow colormapped flow image to create a single image viewable in any image viewer. Visualization Example: Gulf of Mexico Surface - August 29, 2005 As Hurricane Katrina makes landfall. Gulf of Mexico Sea Surface Height and Flow

15 Whitish areas indicate higher water levels and reddish areas indicate faster flow. You can easily see how Hurricane Katrina disrupted the flow and sea level in the Gulf. You can also see areas of increased water levels (MS) and decreased water levels (west of New Orleans near Morgan City.) Gulf of Mexico Sea Surface Height and Flow Gulf of Mexico Surface - August 25, 2005 Before Hurricane Katrina makes landfall. Gulf of Mexico Surface - August 29, 2005 As Hurricane Katrina makes landfall.

16 Gulf of Mexico Sea Surface Height and Flow August 28 through September 2, 2005 Hurricane Katrina makes landfall in the Northern Gulf.






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