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Image Based Rendering. Light Field Gershun in 1936 –An illuminated objects fills the surrounding space with light reflected of its surface, establishing.

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Presentation on theme: "Image Based Rendering. Light Field Gershun in 1936 –An illuminated objects fills the surrounding space with light reflected of its surface, establishing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Based Rendering

2 Light Field Gershun in 1936 –An illuminated objects fills the surrounding space with light reflected of its surface, establishing the object ’ s “ light field ” Adelson and Bergen 1991 –Plenoptic Function

3 Plenoptic Funtions An observer at any point in space (x,y,z) and any moment in time (t) can look in any direction(θ,ǿ) and record the incoming light intensity Φ at all visible wavelength λ Φ= Φ(x,y,z,t, θ,ǿ, λ) Φ is the radiation’s spectral intensity, a scalar value denotes the incoming light’s power per unit per area per solid angle per unit wavelength interval

4 Image Based Rendering If Φis known, any view of the scene can be reconstructed IBR an approach to computer-generated 2D-views of natural 3D-scenes Approximation of the plenoptic functions from a number of conventional images

5 IBR Topics View-Dependent Texture Mapping Hybrid Geometry and Image Based Rendering Delta Tree Representation Multiple-Centre-of-Projection Images Layered Depth Images Sprites with Depth Plenoptic Modeling and Environment Maps Light Field Rendering and Lumigraphs

6 Light Field Rendering M. Levoy A ray is parameterized by its intersection coordinates (u,v,s,t) The set of all rays that can be parameterized by two grid planes represents a light field slab

7 Light Field Rendering

8 Sampling Requirements S X T = 256 x 256 U X V = 121000 images

9 IBR with Controllable Illumination For a static scene, 3 or more images with “ orthogonal ” lighting can be used to render all possible lighting conditions

10 Set of all possible images Original 6 Photos with different lighting conditions Three basis images

11 Set of all possible images a

12 IBR and Video Scene with Camera Motion A video scene with camera motion contains a sequence of images of different viewing positions Applying IBR or IBM, develop algorithm to do video object segmentation Object elimination inside a video sequence, like the one in “ Rising Sun ” - Sean Connery Any help to video understanding ? Evolution of Vision ?

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