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John Trent The Investigation of Graphics in the Processing Language (MIT Media Lab) and the Development of Applets Involving Advanced Concepts.

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Presentation on theme: "John Trent The Investigation of Graphics in the Processing Language (MIT Media Lab) and the Development of Applets Involving Advanced Concepts."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Trent The Investigation of Graphics in the Processing Language (MIT Media Lab) and the Development of Applets Involving Advanced Concepts

2 Introduction The premise of this project was to study computer graphics through the use of Processing, a software program developed by the MIT Media Lab. Through research and tutorials, several different applications were developed, each displaying various advanced concepts in computer graphics. The topics addressed included the implementation of a 3D camera, image masking, a particle system, lighting effects, time distortion effects, the use of a billboard, 2D to 3D conversion, and basic three-dimensional physics.

3 Procedure & Methodology The project first began with the investigation of Processing through the study of examples provided on the main website and sample code. Through study of tutorials, I was able to gain a firm understanding of Processing. From there, I expanded upon these basic concepts to create my applets.

4 Results Rubik's Cube Rotation of squares in a 3D environment Use of a basic camera Camera System allowed for panning and rotation

5 Results Anemone Modeled the underwater creature of the same name. Maintained a high degree of visual consistency

6 Results Bubbles Implemented a particle system in the form of bubbles Used a billboard to enhance the 3D effect, Image masking allowing transparency Additional graphics effects

7 Results Submarine Accomplished conversion from 2D to 3D using Jarek's offset via recursion. Three-dimensional physics included.

8 Conclusion Through the use of Processing, I accomplished a great number of tasks in the field of computer graphics. Hopefully, others interested in computer graphics and Processing will be able to use this project as a starting point.

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