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GRAPHICS PIPELINE & SHADERS SET09115 Intro to Graphics Programming.

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Presentation on theme: "GRAPHICS PIPELINE & SHADERS SET09115 Intro to Graphics Programming."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRAPHICS PIPELINE & SHADERS SET09115 Intro to Graphics Programming

2 Breakdown  Background  Working with Data  Graphics Pipeline  Pipeline Stages  Programmable Shaders

3 Recommended Reading  “Real-Time Rendering”, Third Edition. Akenine- Moller, et. al.  Chapters 1 - 3

4 Background

5 Review  So far you have been mainly working with basic geometry  Creating triangles from three points  Creating quads from four points  Using these shapes to build more complex models  Geometry can have other values attached  Colour  Texture positions  etc.

6 What is a Pipeline?  A pipeline is just a series of processes that occur in order  Read File  Process Data  Print Results  A pipeline can have any number of processes within it  The point is that data from one process is fed into the next process  Think of an assembly line

7 Parallelizing a Pipeline  Pipelines are very easy to parallelize  Pipelining Each process works independently Whenever one process has data ready for the next, it forwards it on The sending process can still be processing data  Internal Parallel Each process can itself work on different parts of the incoming data Allows the process to speed up based on the number of internal processes

8 Throughput of Data  Data throughput in a pipeline is fast in comparison to traditional processing  Data parallelism  Streaming  Data throughput is determined by the slowest process  Some processes may be fast

9 Graphics Pipeline Diagram

10 Pipelines Graphics Pipeline Questions?

11 Working with Data

12 Vertex Data  Data sent to graphics card is called vertex data  Position of vertex  Colour of vertex  Texture coordinates  Normals  This is what you use to define your objects // Vertex 1 glVertex3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // Vertex 2 glVertex3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // etc.

13 Vertex Buffers  To stream vertex information efficiently, we use vertex buffers  Arrays of vertices  Buffers exist for vertices, normals, colours, etc. GLfloat vertices[] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARR AY); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);

14 Index Data  Working with buffers allows us to exploit index data to further improve efficiency  Indices means that we reuse vertex data from a buffer at different points

15 Index Buffers  Index data is also stored in a buffer  Buffer contains index numbers relating to positions of vertices in the vertex buffer  Render reuses vertices from the buffer // Create the eight vertices GLfloat vertices[] = {.. }; glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices); // Create index buffer Glubyte indices[] = { 0, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, // etc }; glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 36, GL_UNSIGNED_BYE, indices);

16 Data for the Pipeline Using Data on the Pipeline Questions?

17 Graphics Pipeline

18 History  First work on 3D rendering occurred in the 1960s  Most common 3D rendering techniques evolved in the 1960s-1970s  1980s saw the introduction of graphics hardware  Commodore Amiga first commercial computer to have a GPU  1990s saw the introduction of graphics cards and graphics APIs  OpenGL, DirectX

19 Fixed-Function Pipeline  Initially graphics cards were not programmable  Fixed-function pipeline  Programmers could turn of and on states, and provide some values to these states  This is what you have done so far with OpenGL  Nintendo Wii still has a fixed-function pipeline  Although advancing rendering, this did not provide flexibility

20 Programmable Pipeline  To add flexibility, GPUs were given programmable stages  Shaders  First shaders used in 1980s  Pixar’s RenderMan  2001 nVidia introduced the GPU with programmable shaders  Vertex shading  Today, nearly all GPUs support shading  Vertex, Geometry, Pixel / Fragment

21 Application  Geometry  Rasterizer  The three main stages of the graphics pipeline are:  Application OpenGL, DirectX stage Application stage feeds geometry data (vertex data) to the geometry stage  Geometry GPU Works on the vertices and polygons towards screen mapping  Rasterizer GPU Sets pixel colours for the screen

22 Graphics Pipelines Evolution General Stages Questions?

23 Pipeline Stages

24 Application Stage  Complete control from the programmer  Use graphics API to send data to the GPU  This is where we have been working up until now  May do culling to improve performance

25 Geometry Stage  GPU transforms input Application stage data into screen mapped data  Has five internal stages  Model & View Transform  Vertex Shading Geometry shader we will discuss in a later lecture  Projection  Clipping  Screen Mapping

26 Model and View Transform  Model initially exists within its own model coordinate space  Allows movement, rotation, etc.  Model transformation can be done on the GPU  More on this throughout the module  View transformation involves moving the model so it exists in the camera’s coordinate space  Camera at the origin  Model moved to suit

27 Vertex Shading  First programmable stage  Vertex data is used to perform per-vertex lighting calculations  You can see the triangles

28 Projection  3D data is now projected using the projection matrix  View (frustum) is transformed into a unit cube (-1, -1, -1) to (1, 1, 1)  Two common projection methods  Orthographic (essentially flat) Parallel lines remain parallel  Perspective Distance from camera has an effect

29 Clipping  We only ever try and draw what we can see  Culling has removed much to us already  After model, view and projection transform, only some primitives are still visible  These are removed  Some primitives may only be partially visible  Clipped  New vertices are introduced to support the clipping

30 Screen Mapping  The final process in the geometry stage  Only visible primitives need to be mapped to the screen  This is relatively simple – the transformed (x, y) coordinates are used as screen coordinates

31 Rasterizer Stage  This is where we start assigning colours to pixels on screen  Four stages  Triangle setup  Triangle traversal  Pixel Shading  Merging

32 Triangle Setup and Traversal  These stages are fixed within the graphics pipeline  Goal is to determine which triangles cover which pixels  Including the depth of the triangle pixel  This data is used later in the merging stage

33 Pixel Shading  Programmable stage allowing manipulation of pixel colours  Lighting here provides a smoother effect  Texturing also done here

34 Merging  Determines the final colour of a pixel  Data from pixel shader, colour buffers, depth, etc. are used to determine final colour of a screen pixel  Other operations can be performed here based on pipeline state

35 High Level Stages  For our purposes, we can think of the graphics pipeline as two stages  Programmable Shader Stage  Vertex shader to perform some lighting calculations  Geometry shader  Transforms vertices

36 High Level Stages  Merging / Raster Operations Stage  Colours individual pixels  Pixel shader can be used in here Per-pixel lighting Texturing etc.  Understanding the two stage process is important, but be aware of the internal operations

37 Application Stage Geometry Stage Rasterization Stage Questions?

38 Programmable Shaders

39  As mentioned, three stages in the graphics pipeline are programmable  Vertex shader  Manipulates individual vertices  Geometry shader  Works with primitives (triangles, lines, etc.)  Pixel shader  Works with pixels

40 Vertex Shader  Lets us work with the incoming vertex data  Position  Colour  Normals  Can calculate values related to these vertices  Light colour  World position

41 Geometry Shader  Let’s us work with individual pieces of geometry  Lines  Triangles  Quads  Can introduce new geometry at this stage

42 Stream Output  It is possible to take the output of the geometry shader at this point if required  No rendering to the screen  This is done when working with geometry data you wish to manipulate and then use in another rendering pass  Particle effects (explosions) performed here

43 Pixel Shader  Let’s us determine colours of individual pixels  Per-pixel lighting  Texturing  Normal (bump) mapping  etc.

44 Render to Texture  Also possible to output at this stage to a texture instead of the screen  Useful for post-processing techniques  Has numerous uses  Motion blur, depth of field, shadowing, etc.  Benie and Artur’s lighting effect last year used this technique

45 Example Shader  Vertex Shader varying vec3 normal, lightDir; void main() { lightDir = normalize(vec3(gl_LightSource [0].position)); normal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal); gl_Position = ftransform(); }  Pixel Shader varying vec3 normal, lightDir; void main() { float intensity; vec3 n; vec4 color; n = normalize(normal); intensity = max(dot(lightDir, n), 0.0); if (intensity > 0.98) color = vec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0); else if (intensity > 0.5) color = vec4(0.4, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0); // etc. gl_FragColor = color; }


47 Effect Files  Shader programs are stored in effect files  DirectX uses a single file approach  OpenGL allows shaders to be split between files then linked together  OpenGL and DirectX compile these files at runtime  So, do it during the loading process  Can set values using the API calls

48 Languages  Number of shader languages exist  High Level Shader Language (HLSL) DirectX language  GL Shader Language (GLSL) OpenGL language  C for graphics (Cg) nVidia language Supported via libraries in DirectX and OpenGL Slower due to higher level integration

49 Questions?

50 Summary  We’ve taken a brief trip down the graphics pipeline  Application  Geometry  Rasterization  We’ve also looked at the programmable stages  Vertex, Geometry, Pixel  We will be using these ideas as we go forward through the module

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