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Living a Spiritual Life: 1. Course Introduction Rodney H. Clarken Copyright © 2011.

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1 Living a Spiritual Life: 1. Course Introduction Rodney H. Clarken Copyright © 2011

2 Hello! My name is Rod Clarken. Welcome to this course © Rodney H Clarken211/2/2015

3  You may watch these programs with narration or just view the presentations online. I will also be interacting via other media, including online course forums, blogging, email and phone with those formally taking this course. © Rodney H Clarken311/2/2015

4 You may do these modules at your own pace and as you feel most helpful to you. Click on hot links (underlined and green, i.e., * ) and go to references for more links * Do the exercises, assignments, questions and activities as you go along to help you develop deeper understanding and spirituality. © Rodney H Clarken411/2/2015

5 This module is part of several in a course on living a spiritual life.  You may watch these programs on You Tube and with or without narration on my website. I will also be interacting with students via other media, including blogging, email, Skype and phone. website © Rodney H Clarken511/2/2015

6 Module Overview  These modules will answer the questions what, why and how of spirituality. Use the exercises throughout as you see fit to help you remember and apply what you learn. There is a series of questions at the end to review and help you assess how much you learned and practices that are essential if you are to develop your spirituality. © Rodney H Clarken611/2/2015

7 Some premises for the course. 1.People are searching for meaning in life. 2.Religion has traditionally provided meaning. 3.Most people have lost faith in religion. 4.Humanity desperately needs meaning to guide it. 5.The teachings of Baha’u’llah offer a new meaning and purpose that accords with reason and today’s needs. © Rodney H Clarken711/2/2015

8 Premises continued 6. Baha’u’llah’s teachings found in the Bahá'í writings give insights into the laws of spiritual reality that lead to well being and happiness. 7. Like physical laws, these spiritual laws can be tested through experience and verified in practice using scientific approaches. © Rodney H Clarken811/2/2015

9 Premises continued 8. Spirituality is the process of translating potentiality into actuality, knowledge into action. 9. Though spirituality is innate, it must be developed. 10. Developing spirituality is a conscious, purposeful endeavor requiring effort, perseverance and practice. © Rodney H Clarken911/2/2015

10 This course assumes the above premises  If you are not familiar with the Bahá'í teachings, and wish more information than is available in this course, please seek out more information which may be found by searching for what you wish to know online. You may start with a general site like (click on the underlined words to link to the website if connected to Internet) © Rodney H Clarken1011/2/2015

11 This course will present Bahá'í guidance on spirituality  in a simple, straightforward fashion. If you try, you can understand it and practice it. You may also test out its value scientifically and practically.  For those who would like more in depth information on any topic, take a relevant word or phrase and do an online search. © Rodney H Clarken1111/2/2015

12 If you would like to read the Bahá'í quotes in context  Copy a distinct part of the quote and paste into the search function of the Ocean Research Library or Bahá'í Reference Library which are free. Some quotes can be found in several books. Where source information is given, you may look up the quotes in the book as well.Ocean Research LibraryBahá'í Reference Library © Rodney H Clarken1211/2/2015

13 This introductory module is part of a course with many modules on living a spiritual life. It consists of several modules that are designed to be completed sequentially, but you may proceed as you wish, taking only the modules that interest you in the order and timing that works best for you. © Rodney H Clarken1311/2/2015

14 The course answers questions on the what, why and how of spirituality.  Use the exercises throughout as you see fit to help you remember and apply what you learn. There is a series of questions and assignments in each module to help you deepen, review and assess how much you learned. Doing these should help you develop spirituality. © Rodney H Clarken1411/2/2015

15 Module Overviews  The first three modules explore what is spirituality followed by six modules on the essential daily practices for spiritual growth (pray, meditate, read, serve, strive and instruct). The remaining modules cover other practices that are vital to spiritual development and review material. © Rodney H Clarken1511/2/2015

16 What is the need for spirituality?  "Indeed, the chief reason for the evils now rampant in society is the lack of spirituality. The materialistic civilization of our age has so much absorbed the energy and interest of mankind that people in general do no longer feel the necessity of raising themselves above the forces and conditions of their daily material existence.” (on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 12/8/35) © Rodney H Clarken1611/2/2015

17 What does spiritual mean?spiritual American Heritage Dictionary American Heritage Dictionary definition: 1.Of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things 2.(of a person) Not concerned with material values or pursuits 3.Of or relating to religion or religious belief See synonyms at immaterial.immaterial © Rodney H Clarken11/2/201517

18 What is spirituality? 1.The state, quality, manner, or fact of being spiritual.*spiritual.* ultimate or immaterial reality; [1] an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of their being; or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.” [2] ( [1] inner path [2] ( © Rodney H Clarken1811/2/2015

19 What is living a spiritual life?  That is the main question for this course. Each module will address some aspect of this question. You will learn about and practice this spiritual knowledge, skills and attitudes. Some brief answers could be the purpose of life, the path to true happiness and our true selves, the development of our souls and the cultivation of virtues. © Rodney H Clarken1911/2/2015

20 What is spiritual progress?  The Bahá'í writings refer to the gradual evolution or development of the individual soul as "spiritual progress." Spiritual progress means acquiring the capacity to act in conformity with the Will of God and to express the attributes and spirit of God in one's dealings with one's self and with other human beings. ** © Rodney H Clarken2011/2/2015

21 Write brief answers to these questions. 1.Define spiritual? 2.Define spirituality? 3.Describe what living a spiritual life is? 4.What is spiritual progress? Save your answers to compare to the following slides. © Rodney H Clarken11/2/201521

22 Check your work. 1. Define spiritual?spiritual 1.Of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things 2.(of a person) Not concerned with material values or pursuits 3.Of or relating to religion or religious belief 4.Other….** © Rodney H Clarken11/2/201522

23 Check your work. 2. Define spirituality. 1.The state, quality, manner, or fact of being spiritual. ultimate or immaterial reality; inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of their being; 4.the deepest values and meanings by which people live. 5.Other…*Other…* © Rodney H Clarken2311/2/2015

24 Check your work. 3. Describe a spiritual life.  What living a spiritual life is multifaceted and includes knowing and loving God, the purpose of life, the path to true happiness and our true selves, the development of our souls and spiritual qualities, the cultivation of virtues, the betterment of individuals and society, the advancement of civilization and spiritual practices. © Rodney H Clarken2411/2/2015

25 Check your work. 4. What is spiritual progress? 1.the gradual evolution or development of the individual soul 2.acquiring the capacity to act in conformity with the Will of God and to express the attributes and spirit of God in one's dealings with one's self and with other human beings. ** © Rodney H Clarken2511/2/2015

26 Do a quick write (2-5 minutes) on the following. 1.Why do you want to live a more spiritual life? 2.See how many things you presently do to be more spiritual that you can list. © Rodney H Clarken2611/2/2015

27 There are no wrong answers.  If you are taking this course as a class, share your answers with the class as instructed.  It is recommended that you keep some record of your thoughts in whatever manner best suits you. You could keep a journal, blog or use other media to do so. © Rodney H Clarken2711/2/2015

28 Assignments  At the end of each module there will be assignments, generally to read, study, meditate, reflect, set goals or practice something related to the module. These assignments are to help you extend and deepen your appreciation, understanding or practice. Choose those that you find helpful, but if you do not actually do the practice, your growth will be limited. © Rodney H Clarken2811/2/2015

29 Assignment: Read/Study  Read William S. Hatcher’s The Concept of Spirituality, Introduction to I. The Nature of Man, 2. Spirituality Defined, pp. 932- 935, to get background information for this and the next module.The Concept of Spirituality  Note: You do not need to read this or other referenced materials; however, they should give you a deeper understanding of the topics. © Rodney H Clarken2911/2/2015

30 When you are ready, you may go to the next module. 2. The Path Toward Spirituality © Rodney H Clarken3011/2/2015

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