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The Non-Conscious Learning Climate Jensen 8. ► Impact on the learner 99% non-conscious and 1 % conscious  Visual cues  Sounds,  Experiences  Aromas.

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1 The Non-Conscious Learning Climate Jensen 8

2 ► Impact on the learner 99% non-conscious and 1 % conscious  Visual cues  Sounds,  Experiences  Aromas  feelings ► Brain decides which side of the brain to use before we even respond to a stimuli… so, what are we learning?  Subliminal messages?  Below the threshold of awareness…it does not require conscious attention or analysis  Categories: ► Altered light levels ► High speed flash projections ► Variable insertion

3 ► Power of Nonconscious Learning  Enormous capacity of a receptive mind  The value of visuals, stories, myths, metaphors  Our perceptions, biases, and barriers must be addressed before learning ► Bottom line: students are learning more than we are teaching!!!! ► Tips for Optimizing Nonconscious Learning  Model  Use posters  Highlight positive role models  Incorporate multimedia

4  Tell stories about perseverance and success  Contemporary spin on topic  Counter negative stereotypes  Focus on skill-building and problem solving  Open topics with celebration  Hold student discussions ► Encourage learners to talk about fears ► Feelings ► And concerns about learning  Provide sufficient resources  Encourage learners to find personal meanings  Be receptive to students’ questions  Provide atmosphere of physical and emotional safety

5 ► Teacher Authority and Credibility  “teacher prestige  placebo effect  Present time  earn respect (only if teacher view herself as a role model  Approach for students ► Not heavy hand ► Recognize their rights ► Offer some choices ► Instill desire for cooperation  Strong educational leader characteristics ► Strength of character ► Integrity ► Purpose ► Presence ► Charisma ► Confidence ► Competency Win over your learners by Sharing experiences Do volunteer work Become a spoke person Professional development Keep promises Use positive language Research to practice attitude

6 Teacher Congruency : Make sure that what you are saying matches * Body language (non-verbal) * Tone of voice make sure you do not give mixed messages Teacher Appearance Dress for success Better dressed teacher have fewer disruptions Make effort to dress professionally Take pride in your appearance

7 ► The Value of Positive Climate  Enhance feelings of self esteem  Remember sarcasm  heart rate  Smile, use humor = higher performing learners  Endorphins are released which cause us to “feel good”  Remember there is a high relationship between attitude and communication of facts ► Learner Expectations  Why does learner learns and respond to some information and no to other? ► He thinks the material is going to be useful ► Usefulness is influenced  by what we are looking for  by the learner’s attitude towards learning

8 ► Forced Silence and Class Inactivity  Asher (86) total physical response approach  actions and movement play an important role in the learning and recall of new information  Remember what you really know, you have learned from experience ► Thinking Skills  Brain = unlimited potential due to the plasticity  Problem solving = most important work of thinking ► Input ► Filtered ► Associated ► Processed ► Evaluated ► stored

9 ► Renate and Cain (96)  Excessive control by teachers reduces learning  Learners must have choice and variety  And given the opportunity to focus on their own areas of interest  Learners = stakeholders in the learning process  must have influence over it  Otherwise resentment = amygdala= fear of failure and anger

10 ► Effective Communication  SAT method (suggest, ask & tell) ► Less Effective Communication  Hope  Imply  Demand/threat  force ► Do not use control strategies  not effective in the long run  Performance below ability  Resentful  Personal responsibility and self efficacy  Pride!

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