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Iraq A timely country study. Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to.

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Presentation on theme: "Iraq A timely country study. Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iraq A timely country study

2 Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use. Flags obtained from: book/ © 2010-Jon Benignus

3 20 th Century Iraq Conquered by the U.K. from the Ottoman Empire Given independence in 1932 –British established a monarchy Ba’ath party took over in 1963

4 Saddam Hussein Leader in Iraq since 1968 President since 1979 Killed ½ million Iraqis

5 Genocide 300,000 Kurds –Chemical Ali 150,000 Shias and Marsh Arabs 50,000 Police State

6 Wars Iran/Iraq War –1980 – 1988 –450,000 Iraqis dead 1 st Persian Gulf War - 1991 –Invades Kuwait –U.S. liberates Kuwait –90,000 Iraqis dead

7 Sanctions Prevent Trade with Iraq Myth – Hit Saddam in pocketbook Reality – Children starve

8 Iraqi Death Toll

9 Iraqi Freedom 2003 –War is over in a few weeks Saddam’s army evaporates http://upload.wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/ d/de/Iraq-War-Map.png

10 Iraqi Insurgents Terrorists from Saddam’s followers Also Al-Qaeda Many people taught to hate the United States Use IEDs –Improvised Explosive Devices Or car bombs

11 Three Factions Kurds in the north – 20% Sunnis in the middle – 20% Shia in the south – 60% Oil in Kurdish and Shia areas Sunnis used to be in control

12 Ayatollah Sistani Most respected Ayatollah in Iraq Not happy with U.S. occupation Knows that Shi’ites will win from Democracy

13 Sectarian Violence Sectarian mean religious Sunnis bomb Shia shrines and mosques Shia bomb Sunni mosques

14 Moqtada al-Sadr Father was well respected Ayatollah Moqtada is young and ambitious Has used violence to get U.S. to leave Iraq Using violence against Sunnis

15 Militias & Troop Surge U.S. sent extra troops to Iraq in 2007 – 2008 –Reduced violence in Iraq Want to train Iraqi police in proper police methods All U.S. troops have left the cities All U.S. troops out by end of 2011

16 Elections - 2010 Parliamentary Elections held Nouri al-Maliki won –Prime Minister –Shia Muslim –Is starting to behave just like a dictator –Arrested his Sunni vice- president right after U.S. troops left,_2010

17 Elections - 2010 Shia –Maliki 89 seats –Sadr 70 seats Sunni –Allawi 91 seats Kurds 49 seats,_2010

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