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Penguins. What penguins eat -squid -fish krill Predators What eats penguins? Leopard seals Killer whales (orcas)

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Presentation on theme: "Penguins. What penguins eat -squid -fish krill Predators What eats penguins? Leopard seals Killer whales (orcas)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Penguins

2 What penguins eat -squid -fish krill

3 Predators What eats penguins? Leopard seals Killer whales (orcas)

4 Kinds of penguins Little blue penguins Macaroni penguins Emperor penguins 17 kinds of penguins

5 Penguins Have feathers on their wings Camouflaged Have blubber Swim really fast Lay eggs Can’t fly

6 Fun Facts Swim on their bellies to clean themselves Like to slide down hills Look like they are flying when they are jumping in the water Have webbed feet.

7 More fun facts Noisy and fussy. Live in groups. Have a bristle on their tongue to keep their food in their mouth. Like to surf

8 Penguin Chicks 1 or 2 eggs laid at a time 1 parent eats food while the other parent watches the egg. The eating parent is gone for a week or two Parents learn their baby’s voice Eggs sit on their parents’ feet

9 Where penguins live? In Antarctica where there are no predators New Zealand Africa along the coast Parts of Australia Parts of South America Galapagos Islands The red places on the map

10 We hope you learned a lot about penguins. Have a nice day!

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