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Chapter 17 Section 3.   Location of America placed England in control  Climate was favorable  George III- 60 year reign Britain becomes a Global Power.

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1 Chapter 17 Section 3

2   Location of America placed England in control  Climate was favorable  George III- 60 year reign Britain becomes a Global Power

3   13 prosperous colonies stretched along the eastern coast of North America  Britain applied the idea of mercantilism  Parliament passed the Navigation Acts to regulate colonial trade and manufacturing  Colonies were home to diverse religious and ethnic groups 13 Colonies in the Mid- 1700s

4   Stamp Act  Tensions increased, fighting spread  Thomas Jefferson- used John Locke’s ideas in the Declaration of Independence  Popular sovereignty- states that all government power comes from the people Colonists Express Discontent

5   Americans against the British  Americans won at the Battle of Saratoga American Revolution

6   George Washington, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin  Document served as an establishment of a government run by the people and for the people  Enlightenment idea- federal republic- power divided between the federal government and the states  Bill of Rights- first ten amendments to the Constitution New Constitution

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