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Name: Colen James Class Period: 6. WordSentenceCorrect Dictionary Definition Capacious Under the same roof was a stable, sufficiently capacious to contain.

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1 Name: Colen James Class Period: 6

2 WordSentenceCorrect Dictionary Definition Capacious Under the same roof was a stable, sufficiently capacious to contain ten or twelve horses. Capable of containing a large quantity; spacious. Convulsions A boy about fifteen was lying on the floor with an attack or dreadful convulsions. A violent turmoil or upheaval. Commenced In the cause of eight or ten days afterwards the first hoeing is commenced. To begin; start Plough This is performed in part, also, by the aid of the plough and the mule. British form of the word plow. Furrow The beds, or ridges, are six feet wide, that is from water furrow to water furrow. A long, narrow, shallow French made hole in the ground by a plow or other tool.

3  The authors text purpose in this novel is to inform. I believe he wrote this book to inform people who want to learn about the history of the slaves and what they went through.

4  Every chapter is organized by the stories of the slaves stories that go into that chapter’s title. It makes the reader imagine how many slaves went through the same thing.

5 Josiah HensonHarriet Tubman Interested in education Listened to master Didn’t run away Believed he was supposed to be a slave Didn’t care much about education Didn’t listen to master Ran away Helped people run away Slaves Believed in religion Helped other slaves

6 SubjectAuthor’s Feelings Text Evidence SlaveryHe feels bad for the slaves. In the figure of Jesus Christ, they found someone who suffered as they suffered, someone who understood.

7 ParagraphsMain Idea Beginning-Page # 48-49 Paragraph 2 Auction block. Middle-Page # 77-78 Paragraph 4 How masters persuaded slaves that being a slave was what they born to do. End-Page # 80 Paragraph 2 How slaves were confused about their after life.

8 DetailsPage #Comments Barns, sheds, animals, fields, woods. 60-62 It helps you imagine the plantation that they lived on. Oddities, creatures, people who were ridiculed. 85 It shows how whites thought about blacks. Rail, fences, head, hole, jam neck in, beat him till he was stiff. 89 Show how cruel slave masters treated their slaves.

9 What the Book SaysConclusions Drawn Situation: Whites called blacks “Negroes” Character Actions: Slaves made it into an affectionate, endearing word. Now whenever they slave masters call them “Negroes” they won’t be offended. Situation: Slaves were being treated bad Character Actions: Slaves started acting in obedience, submissiveness, and dependence. They wont listen to what the slave masters say.

10 Title: To Be A Slave 1. Nonfiction 2. Real slaves 3. Real stories about what they went through. 4. former slaves 5. Multiple stories Title: Chains 1. Fiction 2. Made up slaves 3. Slaves at the time 4. One story 5. Main character Both: 1.About the lives that slaves lived. 2.racism 3.segregation 4.discrimination 5.Take place back in time.

11 FactsPage #Comments Slaves were “property’ 28 To show what they were called back in the day. Field slaves weren’t exposed to the masters ideas like the house servants were. 98 Field slaves can’t hear the ideas of the slave master because they are working out in the field unlike the house servant because they work in the house. Slavery is over 29 He included this just to make sure that we knew that what the book was telling us doesn’t happen anymore. Slaves would sneak off to the woods for church services 103 To show what used to bring slaves joy. White men would patrol the streets to make sure that no slaves escaped. 103 To show how valuable slaves were.

12 OpinionsPage #Comments Slaves are equal to whites. 87 To show that not all white people believed that blacks were unequal to whites. After death they would return to the country in which they were born. 88 It shows that slaves believed in their religion( At least the one they were going to church to learn.) One of the most interesting slave stories was the one of Josiah Henson 93 Shows that slaves can have great stories too. House servants were hated by the slaves that worked in the fields. 90 Not every field slave hated house servants. Shows how the field slaves envied the house servants. From laws and physical force slaves didn’t act as their masters would have liked. 102 It shows how the slaves acted in action of the cruel ways the slave masters treated them.

13  Pg.94 Paragraph 2 (italics) I try to be as smart as I can be.  Pg.98 Paragraph 2 (italics) I used to get whippings when I didn’t do what I was told.  Pg.102 Paragraph 2 (italics) I know what’s right and wrong

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