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International Legislation AT02 Slide 1. UN Firearms Protocol AT02 Slide 2.

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Presentation on theme: "International Legislation AT02 Slide 1. UN Firearms Protocol AT02 Slide 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Legislation AT02 Slide 1

2 UN Firearms Protocol AT02 Slide 2

3 55/255. Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and trafficking in Firearms UN Firearms Protocol AT02 Slide 3

4  Article 1 Relation with the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime UN Firearms Protocol AT02 Slide 4

5 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 2 Statement of Purpose AT02 Slide 5

6 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 3 - Use of Terms Firearm Parts and Components Ammunition Illicit Manufacturing Illicit Trafficking Tracing AT02 Slide 6

7 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 4 Scope of Application AT02 Slide 7

8 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 5 – Criminalization Illicit Manufacturing of Firearms Illicit Trafficking in Firearms Falsifying or Illicitly Obliterating, Removing or Altering the Marking(s) on Firearms Required by Article 8 of this Protocol AT02 Slide 8

9 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 5 – Criminalization Each State Party shall adopt such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences the following conduct Attempting to Commit or Participating as an Accomplice Organizing, Directing, Aiding, Abetting or Counseling AT02 Slide 9

10 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 6 - Confiscation Seizure and Disposal Confiscation Seizure Disposal AT02 Slide 10

11 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 7 - Record Keeping The Appropriate Markings Required by Article 8 of this Protocol In Cases Involving Transactions in Firearms, their Parts, Components and Ammunition AT02 Slide 11

12 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 8 - Marking of Firearms At the Time of Manufacture of each Firearm Require appropriate simple marking on each Imported Firearm Ensure at the Time of Transfer AT02 Slide 12

13 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 9 - Deactivation of Firearms All Essential Parts of a Deactivated Firearm are to be Rendered Permanently Inoperable Arrangements are to be made for Deactivation Measures to be Verified Verification by a Competent Authority is to be Included AT02 Slide 13

14 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 10 General Requirements for Export, Import and Transit Licensing or Authorization Systems AT02 Slide 14

15 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 11 - Security & Prevention Measures To require the Security of Firearms To increase the effectiveness of Import, Export and Transit Controls AT02 Slide 15

16 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 12 – Information State Parties shall exchange among themselves, relevant information on matters such as: Organized Criminal Groups The Means of Concealment Methods and Means Legislative Experiences AT02 Slide 16

17 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 12 – Information State Parties shall provide to or share with each other, as appropriate: States Parties shall cooperate in The Tracing of Firearms Subject to the basic concepts of its Legal System or any International Agreements AT02 Slide 17

18 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 13 – Cooperation States Parties shall cooperate at the Bilateral, Regional and International Levels National Body or a single Point of Contact States Parties shall seek the support and cooperation of Manufacturers etc AT02 Slide 18

19 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 14 – Training and Technical Assistance AT02 Slide 19

20 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 15 – Brokers and Brokering Requiring Registration of Brokers operating within their territory Requiring Licensing or Authorization of Brokering Requiring Disclosure on Import and Export Licences or Authorizations AT02 Slide 20

21 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 16 – Settlement of Disputes States Parties shall endeavor to settle disputes Any dispute between two or more States Parties Each State Party may at the time of signature Any State Party that has made a Reservation AT02 Slide 21

22 UN Firearms Protocol  Article 17 Signature Ratification Acceptance Approval Accession AT02 Slide 22

23 UN Firearms Protocol  Remaining Articles Article 18 Entry into Force Article 19 Amendment Article 20 Denunciation Article 21 Depositary and Languages AT02 Slide 23

24 International Tracing Instrument “International Instrument to enable States to identify and trace in a timely and reliable manner illicit small arms and light weapons” AT02 Slide 24

25 International Tracing Instrument  Definitions Small Arms Light Weapons Tracing Light Weapons are illicit under stated circumstances AT02 Slide 25

26 International Tracing Instrument  Marking The choice of methods for marking Small Arms and Light Weapons is a national prerogative AT02 Slide 26

27 International Tracing Instrument  Record Keeping Manufacturing records for at least 30 years All other records, including records of import and export for at least 20 years AT02 Slide 27

28 International Tracing Instrument  Cooperation In Tracing Tracing Requests Response to Tracing Requests AT02 Slide 28

29 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) 02 – 27 July 2012, UN New York AT02 Slide 29

30 Questions AT02 Slide 30

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