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Connecting with Students Throughout the Lifespan Patrick Whitaker.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting with Students Throughout the Lifespan Patrick Whitaker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting with Students Throughout the Lifespan Patrick Whitaker

2 Student Demographics What is the percentage of “traditional” (18-22; parental support; live on) students in higher education? What is the percentage of “traditional” (18-22; parental support; live on) students in higher education?  45-50  70-75 20-25 20-25  85-90 Why does it matter?

3 Adult Learners How do we define them? How do we define them? What are their learning characteristics? What are their learning characteristics? What hinders the learning of adults? What hinders the learning of adults? What enhances adult learning? What enhances adult learning?

4 Learning Theory & Research Foundational Learning Foundational Learning How is it delivered? How is it delivered? Makes transfer possible Makes transfer possible Understanding vs. Memorizing Understanding vs. Memorizing

5 Learning Transfer Contextualized Contextualized Generalize Problem Based Learning Generalize Problem Based Learning Existing Knowledge may help or hinder Existing Knowledge may help or hinder Identify/Revise Relevant Knowledge Identify/Revise Relevant Knowledge How? Discussion, testing, probing…

6 Motivation Extrinsic Extrinsic Intrinsic Intrinsic Overjustification Effect Overjustification Effect Motivation is affected by the level of challenge

7 Understanding Student “Flow”

8 What impacts “Flow?” Positives Positives A positive is any pleasant event that exists during the time that the learner is in the presence of the subject matter, or that follows his approach to the subject matter. Aversives Aversives An aversive is any event that causes physical or mental discomfort, or leads to a loss of self- respect or dignity.

9 Positives – to Enhance Flow Reinforce the learner’s approach to the subject. Reinforce the learner’s approach to the subject. Provide frequent and specific feedback. Provide frequent and specific feedback. Give the learner control over some aspects of the learning process. Give the learner control over some aspects of the learning process. Provide relevant instructional tasks. Provide relevant instructional tasks. Relate new information to existing knowledge. Relate new information to existing knowledge. Delight in the learner’s success. Delight in the learner’s success.

10 Aversives – Hinder Flow Pain – physical or emotional Pain – physical or emotional Fear Fear Anxiety Anxiety Frustration Frustration Humiliation and Embarrassment Humiliation and Embarrassment Boredom Boredom Physical Discomfort Physical Discomfort

11 Questions, Comments & Discussion ?

12 References Bransford, J., Brown, A. and Cocking, R. (1999). How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1991). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper Collins. Galbraith, M. W. (1998). Adult learning methods: A guide for effective instruction. Malabar, FL: Krieger. Mager, R. F. (1968). Developing attitude toward learning. Belmont, CA: Fearon-Pitman.

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