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Answers to Assess Yourself questions 1 Smell, flies, increased risk of disease, unsightly. 1 mark each 2 a Plastic, paper, glass, cans, metals, cardboard,

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Presentation on theme: "Answers to Assess Yourself questions 1 Smell, flies, increased risk of disease, unsightly. 1 mark each 2 a Plastic, paper, glass, cans, metals, cardboard,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Answers to Assess Yourself questions 1 Smell, flies, increased risk of disease, unsightly. 1 mark each 2 a Plastic, paper, glass, cans, metals, cardboard, clothes/shoes. ‘’ b Plastic melted down, paper pulped up and used to make recycled paper, glass ground up to make new glass, metals separated, then melted down. ‘’ c Reduce use of natural resources, reduce amount of waste for landfill sites, can be cheaper than exhausting natural resources. ‘’ 3 a Landfill sites are areas of dug-out wasteland where rubbish is dumped. 1 mark b i Short-term – attract flies, rats and so on to site; smell until covered; wind blows paper around. 1 mark each ii Long-term – cost of land, pollutes the soil, cannot build on land. ‘’ 4 Councils charge community charge and are given grants from central government. 1 mark each 5 a If the council uses more money on waste disposal, there is less for other areas, such as care for the elderly, road and schools maintenance and so on. 1 mark each b Short-term – may cause an increase in taxes on local residents. 1 mark Long-term – more money does not mean a better service. 1 mark Self –assessment : Markscheme

2 Learning objectives Explain the purpose of conservation Explain why species are becoming extinct

3 These animals are extinct – what does this mean? Quagga Tasmanian tiger Java tiger Golden toad Stinking Hawksbit

4 Group talk : Conservation – what do you think? 1.What is ‘’conservation?’’ 2.Why is it important? 3.How do you want Enfield to be when your children are growing up? 4.Who does conservation?

5 How many of these British plants and animals can you name?

6 What is the ‘Natural world’ Planet Earth has been evolving for 4.5 BILLION years. The plants and animals which developed are brilliantly adapted (suited) to survive in the places where they live. Humans developed about 1 MILLION years ago. In the last 5 THOUSAND years people have destroyed the natural world faster and faster. How many human activities can you find which destroy the natural world?

7 How do we protect plants and animals? 1. How can we protect the habitat of plants? (buy easily grown wood like pine, fence round rare plants) 2. How do we protect the habitat of animals? (Protect the plants first, plant new trees to provide food) 3. How else can we protect plants and animals? (Laws to stop people killing them or removing them, trading bans, police to enforce the laws, education, breed them in captivity then release into protected areas)

8 Summary questions Answer the questions on p178 in full sentences.

9 Plenary Can you explain what ‘extinct’ means? How can we help plants and animals to survive in their natural habitat?

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